#226: Nissin Chow Noodles Cheddar Cheese Flavor Ramen Noodles

Before anyone gets their panties in a proverbial roffle, look at the lower right hand corner. It says ramen noodles.

So fill to the line, microwave for 5 minutes. Easy enough!

So this is one pretty big packet of powdered seasoning. I’m guessing cheese powder…

Holy mother! Indeed it was cheese powder and after a vibrant stir, we end up with this. So I am rather impressed. I found the noodles to be perfect and the cheese powder made it all rich and creamy almost exactly like that blue tall box of mac’n’cheese we’re all used to. I like it. 4.0 out of 5.0 stars – very surprised here. Get it right here.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Nissin, Other, USA

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