#286: Myojo Hyoubanya No Yakisoba Japanese Style Noodles Oriental Flavor

So here’s a nice box of Myojo yakisoba aching to be eaten.

Nice design – fill the water, let it sit, pull off the drain, pour out the water. Pretty easy.

Clockwise from top left: seasoned oil, dry seasoning, garnish and dried vegetables.

The dried vegetables are ample – but all they are is cabbage. Not that I’m really complaining as I’m a friend to cabbage.

So boiling water, sit and drained. Here are the noodles with the remaining packets awaiting a stir. The dark one is the garnish – dried bonito powder, red pickled ginger and green laver – ah, green laver…

So here is the finished product. The noodles are decent. The cabbage is ample for sure. The flavor is interesting – the oil and the powder are somewhat subdued by the garnish – which was really decent. I liked it a whole lot and am giving this one 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

So found another Myojo commercial – surprised they’re so far and few between with how popular they are.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Myojo, Other

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