#504: Knorr Pizza Instant Noodles

Yes, that’s right – it’s pizza flavored noodles. More interesting? They’re from Pakistan! So here’s yet another show of force in international fusion cuisine! Pizza is Italian, ramen noodles are a Japanese thing, and Pakistan is, well, another country! Well, let’s dig in!

Single packet. The packet itself had an interesting texture to it – kind of soft.

Here’s the seasoning – smelled kind of like a party pizza you’d find in the frozen section at the supermarket.

Here we go with some pizza flavored instant noodles. The noodles aren’t too bad – pretty standard fare like something Maruchan or Nissin would have as far as a domestic US product. Not a lot of noodles though for two cups of water. The broth had a kind of ‘party pizza’ like flavor to it – was quite strange but not bad. Very unique and truly multinational! 3.0 out of 5.0 stars.

Wow check this out – a ten minute cartoon about Knorr Noodles! Not only that, there are lots more of them!

This guy’s the man – party pizza, ramen, bacon and cheese – oh and hot sauce!


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Knorr, Other, Pakistan

8 responses to “#504: Knorr Pizza Instant Noodles

  1. tainted

    A packet of red chili flakes and parmesan cheese coulda spruced it up a little!

  2. pizza flavor noodles? much of pizza flavor depends on its topping…. so what topping flavor these noodles have?

    • Kind of like a cheao microwave pizza you’d find on the frozen aisle at a grocery store here in the states. I bet the pizza you guys sell is much better! I did see a recipe though where someone had a pizza and added instant noodles, bacon and finally more cheese on top – kind of strange… I wonder how it would taste?

      I liked your website!

      – The Ramen Rater

  3. Mismaeel

    Where did u get these pizza flavoured knorr noodles from?

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