#506: Nong Shim Oolongmen Cup Noodle Soup With Artificial Beef Flavor

Today there was an open six pack of these so I decided even with a zillion ramens I’d get this one to try. Ooolongmen!

A single packet – hope there’s veggies somewhere!

Yup! Lots of veggies in the cup! Looks like this might be a good one!

Well, here we go. Not really impressed to be honest – A really ho hum cup of noodles – not spicy, nothing all that fun. Did have a good portion of veggies but that’s not exciting me currently. The noodles were drab. It was just a beef cup really. 2.5 out of 5.0 stars. Average.

No commercial – but this is kind of funny.

Aisles like this are my playground!

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Beef, Korea, Nong Shim

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