#509: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Shrimp Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup

Shramp! Nothin’ like shramp! Ami I wrong? AM I??? Well, I like shrimp and so today I will ingest a bowl of Ve Wong Shrimp flavor instant noodle soup from Taiwan. ‘Nuff said.

Seasoning on the left – as well as veggies and nice little shrimps! The seasoned oil was quite pungent – sesame and maybe fish sauce.

You can kind of make out the oil on the right upper middle – it’s the shiny stuff.

I added a couple of fried eggs and some Tony Chachere’s Creole Seasoning since it was shrimp. Man, this was a nice little repast! Just enough noodles, a broth that wasn’t too salty and definitely not fishy. The veggies were of a good quantity and quality, and the little shrimp re-hydrated nicely and tasted great. Well, all of these things put together give it a 4.0 out of 5.0 stars – wasn’t expecting it would get such high marks but hey, a surprise like this is always nice! Look for it here.

Ve Wong commercial

I hpoe you will all join us in wishing our poor fish glad tidings on his trip to the great fishbowl in the sky.


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Seafood, Taiwan, Ve Wong

6 responses to “#509: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Shrimp Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup

  1. Eric

    I have a confession: I’ve never eaten any actual shrimp (or most seafood besides tilapia for that matter), in my entire life (except for possibly fish sauce, flavorings, etc)..but as I get older Im opening up and considering trying a few things.. its just never appealed to me. Especially those shrimp that the japanese eat whole – head and eyes and all! Ughhghgh……….I kinda want to try scallops. They dont look like fish.. and they dont have like..body parts. As far as I know.

    • Go hit up some sushi – try out unagi [freshwater eel] – it’s like candy – I could eat it all day. Good fish and chips are nice too. They have panko breaded tilapia we hit up from Costco here… Good stuff but it’s really just the tip of the iceberg; salmon’s good too.

      You know, you should try out dim sum. Look it up!

      – The Ramen Rater

  2. Eric

    Eel? Hmm..is it mild? Basically I want to try mild fish like tilapia first, because im not too fond of real fishy smelling stuff. But I was actually thinking about sushi. Its simple and easy to digest..maybe a little thinly sliced salmon on rice?

  3. Eric

    Hey, theres a new flavor for ramen! Eel! Although I bet they’ve got it in japan with all their varieties.

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