#546: Yum Yum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Vegetable Flavour

Vegetable flavor huh? Vegetables are supposedly something that makes one healthy. I don’t think they’re present in much of a relevant amount here, but let’s see what we’ve got.

Seasoning powder and seasoned oil at the ready.  I just read in the ingredients: “vegetables in varying proportions: garlic, onion, carrot and onion leaf.

I had to get a pic of the ingredient list in all the languages. I also noticed that empty white field in the upper right quadrant – I wonder if one could just put an address on it and ship it off?

A bowl of seasnings awaiting the noodles…

So here we are – I pan scrambled a couple of eggs and then kind of flipped them over on themselves oddly. I topped them with some fried shallot. The noodles were pretty good and of a decent quality and despite the size of the package, the noodles were of a decent quantity as well. The broth had a nice taste to it, although I don’t know how easily I would discern the difference from chicken flavor or vegetable flavor; perhaps the vegetable doesn’t have that light fake butter flavoring in it. The little tiny bits of vegetables that were present were nice. A good bowl of noodles – 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.

Rad Yum Yum commercial!

The shallots I used come in a little container and are dry and super good but not like these which look absolutly awesome. I think I’ll be trying this out sometime!


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Thailand, Vegetable, Yum Yum

3 responses to “#546: Yum Yum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Vegetable Flavour

  1. Eric Z.

    Apparently you can slap an address label sticker onto a tire, and ship it that way. Although those noodles would probably be crushed if you sent em through the mail like that.

  2. F.

    I tried out Yum Yum for the first time recently (they ship to Pakistan too now, apparently) and I had no problem picking out the vegetable flavor from the chicken. In my opinion, it’s a very strong flavor. Either that, or maybe my tastebuds have already been conditioned to detect it because we plenty of other vegetable flavored packaged foodstuffs available here.

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