#547: Lucky Me! Instant Pancit Canton (Chow Mein) Sweet & Spicy Flavor

Hey! Haven’t tried this yet! Pancit Canton is a lot like Indomie’s Mi Goreng – that’s one of my favorites!

So we have a powder shiny packet on the left and a combo packet with oil and soy sauce on the right. I like how they tell you not to worry – it the powder’s clump the soy sauce will break it up. If the soy sauce is crystally, a little liquid will break up the salt crystals. See, this stuff comes from the Philippines where they get some serious humidity and heat. I see lots of products from there that are packaged in some pretty fancy ways to keep food the way it needs to be.

Looks like ya stepped on a slug huh? Trust me, it’s seriously excellent stuff!

Voila – topped with a pair of fried eggs, a little fried shallot and some pickled ginger. The noodles are drained and then you stir them with the stuff in the last photo till everything’s all combined. This is it, Ramen Rater fans – this is the holy mountain of the instant noodles world, the pinnacle of perfection. I love it – the noodles are chewy, and they’re hot AND sweet. The trick is to keep the egg yolks a little runny and everything combines nicely. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. A truly awesome meal. Get the noodles and the condiments here.

A commercial for thi stuff.



Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Lucky Me!, Other, Philippines

12 responses to “#547: Lucky Me! Instant Pancit Canton (Chow Mein) Sweet & Spicy Flavor

  1. Lisa

    lol they don’t seem to have it anymore – wonder if your fans bought it out…how’s the chili flavor?

  2. Wow! A perfect 5! This is also my favorite of the Lucky Me Pancit Canton flavors. I cook up two packs for a full meal. I should try adding eggs to my pancit canton some time. I love noodles and I love eggs. What’s to fear? =D

  3. Lisa

    and I live in Kirkland but haven’t been to the new Bellevue Uwajimaya yet – time for a trip there!

    • Oh yeah – it’s pretty decent! I must admit though that I like the Settle one best. I also must recommend H-Mart – it’s on 184th next to Alderwood Mall – a little ways from where you’re at but definitely a huge difference from Uwajimaya – this one’s Korean and almost like a mini mall housed around an enormous supermarket. They have an excellent noodle aisle.

      – The Ramen Rater

  4. Eric Z.

    You couldve arranged the pickled ginger to make a smiley face with the eggs, it would’ve been a perfect picture for the 5/5 rating!

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