#580 Baijia Original Hot & Sour Flavor Casserole Stewed Rice Noodle

Baijia with rice noodles eh? Sounds different – hope it’s better than all the others I’ve tried!

Four packets – going clockwise from top left: veggie-thingies, very dark liquid, powder seasoning, slightly less dark liquid.

Here’s the back of the package.

Here’s everything atop the rice thread. When I initially opened the package, I got a whiff – a horrible smelling whiff. A kind of vinegar scent.

Okay, let’s try this. Oh wow – alright so the noodles are better than the noodles I’ve had in all of the other Baijia products. But then there’s the taste. Hot and sour doesn’t even begin to describe. The broth is greasier than can be tolerated and the flavor is like a chemically-inducedf spicy with vinegar and I don’t know what. This is wretched and I couldn’t eat more than one bite. Easily one of the worst instant noodles I’ve had in my life. 0 out of 5 stars. That a big round one.

Here’s another free movie from Youtube – ‘Robinson Crusoe on Mars!’


Filed under * Stars 0-1.0, Baijia, China, Other

4 responses to “#580 Baijia Original Hot & Sour Flavor Casserole Stewed Rice Noodle

  1. Eric Z.

    Wow, didnt expect that one! From the picture and the description of “hot and sour”, it looks delicious! But greasy doesnt sound so good though..

  2. ks

    If you add only half of the powder mix, they are absolutely delicious. Really.

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