#611: Batchelors Super Noodles Low Fat Sweet Thai Chili Flavour

This is the last of the Super Noodles sent by Cindy C. of England. Thanks again!

So today is my wife and I’s second anniversary. No, not a wedding anniversary – we got married in July. This is our two year ‘Click-I-Versary.” You see, we met on an online dating website! Two years ago today she clicked a button on my profile and let me know she liked me. I did the same. The chatted online for a little bit and then called and talked to eachother for many hours – the rest is history! I can honestly say I’ve never been happier in my life. Love you, Kitten!

Here’s the back of the packaging…

The single, shiny packet…

The contents smelled really good!

As I said above, Kit & I were married in July. I made a great batch of hot sauce for wedding souvenirs!

The finished product. Added a two-egg omelet with Pup & Kit’s Burning Love hot sauce and a few dashes of Krazy Mixed Up Salt. It’s kind of a bummer; I thought I was saving the best for last but as far as this stuff went, the seasoning’s great odor ended there. The stuff was so bland! Weird. 2.0 out of 5.0 stars. The hot sauce filled omelet was good at least. I got a text from Kit on Christmas morning on 2009 asking if I would like to fly down to California to meet for the first time and spend New Year’s with her. Saying yes was the best decision I ever made. You can get the noodles here.

Saucy noodles eh? Wouldn’t kind trying it with some fish fingers!



Filed under * Stars 1.1-2.0, Batchelors, England, Other

4 responses to “#611: Batchelors Super Noodles Low Fat Sweet Thai Chili Flavour

  1. taintedbloop

    Cool hot sauce bottles! I assume since your a hot sauce fan you’ve probably heard of the popular “bhut jolokia” pepper. I once tried growing one but it didnt really thrive 😦 .. apparently they need lots and lots of sunshine. Ever try one of those things? The youtube videos of people eating them are priceless!

  2. Michael (VN)

    Good to see that you’re happy with your wife!
    A few clicks and two people come together…that sounds so good!
    Congratulations from Holland sir!

  3. Michael (VN)

    Any European or English product that tries to imitate the Asian flavor always fails big time

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