#637: Snapdragon Pan-Asian Cuisine Chinese Mushroom Rice Noodle Soup

Chinese mushroom cup? Let’s give it a go…

Here’s the side panels. I like the stickers – I’m curious why they re-did thje directions – were they not so easy last time?

Seasoning powder and oil packet on left and a veggie packet on the right.

Ready for boiling water.

Finished. Well, here goes: the noodles were in a word, mushy. They had the right amount of steeping time too. I’m not detracting points though, because this was a nice kind of mushy; the kind you’d like to have with rice noodles in a cup – you can break em off with your lips. The broth is salty and has some hints of mushroom. Very mild and approaching bland, but not quite there. If you’re looking for something light and mushroomy, this is the ticket. As for the veggies, they weren’t prevalent. 2.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 815055010115 – get it here.

Mr Rogers breakdancing



Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Snapdragon, Thailand, USA, Vegetable

2 responses to “#637: Snapdragon Pan-Asian Cuisine Chinese Mushroom Rice Noodle Soup

  1. Eric Z.

    I had this one a long time ago..didnt really like it. It looks like they re-did the directions to include microwave cooking. It used to say do not microwave.

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