Happy Momofuku Ando Day!!!

Well, today’s the day! The first Ramen Rater Momofuku Ando Day! I hope people out there are enjoying noodles today! Been a great day here – had some good noodles (which you’ll see shortly in the video) and was featured on the Seattle Weekly’s blog! Today I decided to review the closest thing I had to the 1958 Nissin Chikin noodles – the first instant noodles that were produced ever. I went with Nissin’s Top Ramen Chicken flavor; kind of the great grandchild of the Nissin Chikin! So sit back, relax, and check out the video. Happy Momofuku Ando Day!


Filed under * News, * Price $0.01 - $1.00, Chicken, China, Japan, Nissin, USA

2 responses to “Happy Momofuku Ando Day!!!

  1. Eric Z.

    Cool video! Looks pretty good! A lot of little things put together can really make a dish so much better!

  2. Pingback: #700: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Chikin Ramen (Local) | THE RAMEN RATER

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