Show Your Noodles Week 11

This week, we have two new submissions for Show Your Noodles! Anyone want to send some submissions for next week? All you need to do is take a picture of your noodles – fancy, sloppy, covered in cheese and bacon – whatever! There are no bad Show Your Noodles pics! Send your pictures and your first name, last initial and where you’re from as well as a desciption of what your noodle concoction is comprised of to and those noodles’ll be featured in next weeks post! My wife does the judging so here we go!

In 1st place, Min Min T.’s of Malaysia’s submission:

I had this Chinese herbal noodle on the first day of 2012.  It was also my first time seeing a double-yolk egg. A good sign for new year! 🙂
I also wrote a post about it – LINK

In 2nd place, here’s Rob P. of Olympia, Washington’s submission!

Spicy Sesame KOKA with sliced ham, mushrooms, carrots, and green onions.

Thanks for you great submissions! Looking forward to seeing more next week I hope!

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