#725: Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie Mi Goreng Instant Cup Noodles

Hey look at this! This came from Michael C. at Eastland Foods a little while back – thanks! What we have here is one of the products that should be available here in the states soon (according to my Indomie interview). It’s exactly what it looks like – Mi Goreng in a cup! Read the interview I did with Indomie here!

Check that out – you drain the cup!

Here’s some of the side panel info.

Dry packets – fried onion and powdered base.

Liquid seasonings: (from left to right) seasoned oil, chili sauce and sweet soy sauce.

It also comes with a fork!

Here’s the noodle block, nestled into the cup awaiting boiling water.

Finished. It’s got an egg and some veggies – is it INTERSAY? I cooked the noodles in the cup as directed. While that was going on, I fried an egg in a snowflake shaped cookie cutter and boiled some veggies up. Drained everything, combined in the pot the veggies were in, added seasonings and stirred. Atop the egg I added some Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce and some kizami shoga (pickled ginger. Well, this is the Mi Goreng everyone knows and loves. Excellent stuff – nice noodles, a little spicy and very tasty all around. If you’ve never had Mi Goreng before, I HIGHLY recommend getting yourself some! 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – same great stuff just in a different configuration. UPC barc ode 089686180657 – you can get the regular packs of it here.

Indomie TV commercial

Another video of Indonesian street food!


Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Indomie, Indonesia, Other

3 responses to “#725: Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie Mi Goreng Instant Cup Noodles

  1. OMG! There’s a cup version now?!?
    Must….. have…. cup…. must…. taste…. must…. own….
    Shut up and take my money already!

  2. Alex

    They sell this stuff in the regular supermarket here in Australia! It’s great to take to work for lunch, (my 2nd fav after the Nong shim spicy flavour cup). Indomie mi goreng is super popular here, I assume it’s equivalent to top ramen in the US in that it’s what we survived on in college/university.

  3. Just tried one of these (found them at that little Indonesian grocery on Hwy 99 you clued me in on.) I could stand getting quite a few more of those – here’s hoping they become more commonly available soon. (since I grabbed the last two they had there)

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