#810: ABC Selera Pedas Mi Goreng Hot Chicken Lemon Flavour

Yep – another new one from Indonesia that was sent by Meilina K. of Jakarta! Thank you very much! I haven’t tried this brand’s noodles before, but I am familiar with ABC’s Kecap Manis (sweet soy sauce).

Back of package

The noodle block.

The dry seasonings: powdered base on left and chili powder on right.

Here they are co-mingling.

The liquid additions. From left to right: sweet soy sauce, sweet and hot chili sauce and finally a seasoned oil.

A lot of liquid!

Hmm what’s in here – it’s not labeled…

Fried onions to sprinkle on top at the end!

Finished. Added some veggies, a fried egg with pepper, some pickled ginger and some Dua Belibis. What’s Dua Belibis? Well, someone mentioned that I should try it with Mi Goreng last month and boy, were they right! It’s a sweet and spicy chilli sauce kind of like Sriracha but it’s from Indonesia. Honestly, I think I like it much more! The noodles are of a nice quality and not too firm, not mushy at all. The flavor it great – like it says, it’s a spicy and lemony combo. The sweet soy sauce really goes well and ties everything together. Damn good! 4.25 out of 5.0 stars! UPC bar code 8992388112401 .

There were some seriously awesome weather events around here this weekend – a lot of thunder and lightning storms! Here’s footage of our trip to my folks place and some lightning around Anacortes, Washington.

Here’s the commercial for these noodles

Dua Belibis!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, ABC, Chicken, Indonesia

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