Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Promotional Gifts & Samples

I got a couple of large boxes from the folks at Paldo America today! Wonder what’s inside?

Samples to review! Some new ones, some that I’ve already reviewed too. Really looking forward to a week of Korean noodles! Yum!

I think this is a hint! Okay I’ll try using chopsticks again!

I’ve never seen anything like this – it’s a USB drive built into a card! Thanks! Now I can have a backup of all my noodle stuff in my wallet!

Speaking of wallets, they sent me a Paldo card wallet! What’s great about this is that my business cards are usually too tall to fit in my wallet so this is perfect!

They sent some baseball related items too – it looks like Paldo is the big sponsor of South Korea’s Korean Baseball Organization! This is a giant baseball on a little wooden stand! Very cool!

A big sticker!

They also sent a couple ball caps – the one on the left is from the SK Wyverns and the right is the LG Twins.

Finally, this interesting little guy. Not exactly sure what he is though! It’s made of a heavy rubber – my wife thinks it is to hold down the lid of cup noodles. I think he’ll do splendidly at this task!

Thanks go to Moses and all at Paldo for these nice items and great products to review!

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult

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