Category Archives: iNoodle

#445: iNoodle Taiwan Style Chow Mein

So anyone who’s seen the top ten list of my all time favorite noodles knows that Sapporo Ichiban’s Chow Mein is up there. I had a fresh noodle – Souper Brand – that was a chow mein variety and liked it very much. This is a Taiwanese version – curious what the difference will be.

Okay so there’s a lot going on for this one. There’s a paste, a dry seasoning and a veggies. These had to be stir fried.

All done. So they’re kind of lackluster; the noodles themselves are great, but with all three packets put in and the little enjoyment I’m getting I feel a little blindsided. There were a couple really hard bits in there that were like tree bark, but there was also a lot of sesame seeds which I enjoy. 2.25 out of 5.0 – just not feeling it; a let down.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, iNoodle, Ltd, Luxo Enterprises, Other, Taiwan

#418: iNoodle Udon Noodle Soup Oriental Style Flavor

So here’s something new from the fresh noodle section. Never heard of this brand before and looks interesting.

Two packets – Looks like a paste and some veggies.

The finished product. This one called for an egg to be dropped in with the cooking noodles! I like that. So the broth is pretty good – light and flavorful. The veggies are very complimentary. The udon itself is your standard good fresh stuff. I liked it – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars.


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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, iNoodle, Other, Taiwan