Category Archives: JFC

#695: JFC Japanese Style Noodle Soup Curry Flavour

Here’s another one from Ramen Place. Japanese curry is always good – curious how this will pan out!

Here’s the side panels.

I gotta say, it’d be awesome to have a t-shirt with this one it – just an oval with ‘noodles’ inside…

This packet is seriously full!


Contents ready for hot water and a 2 1/2 minute spin in the microwave.

Finished. Wow this is awesome – the udon came out very nicely – chewy and wide-gauge. The soup (if you can call it that; it’s more of a gravy) is full of great sweet and slightly spicy Japanese curry flavor. The bits of veggie flake appear here and there but are almost inconsequential – the curry gravy is front and center here. I loved this – 4.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 01152194325  – get it here.

I like the Golden Curry stuff – lots of other eye catching brands and flavors as well!

Cooking With Dog – Bukkake Udon


Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, Japan, JFC, Other

#295: TableMark Japanese Style Soup Noodle Soybean Paste Flavor

So I found this at a little store at Alderwood Mall called Daiso. The only thing ramen related they had other than cookware.

Veggies and powder…

Interesting veggies – plenty of corn…

Wow this looks really good… When we were purchasing this, the lady at the counter dutifully let us know that all sales were final so be warned. I thought that was odd; I guess I could bring the bowl of noodles back after I had eaten them somehow? Actually no, I’m not going to. I like these. A lot! The soybean paste flavor is excellent! It gets into everything. The noodles were so good and really surprised me in their quality. They had a very nice soy taste! The broth was very rich and tasted nice. As for the veggie, there were more than enough. All around a very enjotable experience! I’m giving this stuff a 4.5 out of 5.0 stars!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Japan, JFC, TableMark, Vegetable

#229: Myojo Udon Chicken & Abalone Flavor

So we were at 99 Ranch yesterday and Kit picked this one for me! Let’s give it a try!

One packet of flavor – just like the other one.

Powder seasoning…

So here we go. Very tasty stuff – the noodles are nice and big and fresh and chewy and the broth is very good – I don’t know what abalone tastes like but this is very tasty. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars! Get it here.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Japan, JFC, Myojo, Seafood

#222: Myojo Udon Crab Flavor Japanese Style Noodles With Soup Base

Been wanting to try this for awhile and thought hey – a sale on it for 69 cents? I’m on it. So here we go.

This is a lot like what you would find inside the more spendy cup noodles with the fresh noodles, but here all you have to do is supply your own ingestion vessel.

Some crab flavored powder…

So here’s what you end up with. Make no mistake, these are big and chewy noodles. I’m not an extremely experienced crab eater but I can say it is an interesting broth and I quite liked it. All in all, a very simple and satifying bowl of noodles. 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Japan, JFC, Myojo, Seafood, USA

#168: JFC Japanese Style Noodle Fresh Udon

Huge noodle bowl! Fresh noodles!

Okay so this is the second one of these I’ve ever had! They are a bit spendier than the regular ones – usually they’re between $2 and $4…

But then again its a completely different experience. This is udon and it’s some thick noodle. Bout the gauge of a crayon! Then you get veggies and some liquid soup base. Very different from a package of ramen.

Here’s everything ready to have some water put on and microwaved. You add hot tap water up to the line then microwave for 3 minutes.


BAM! Check that crazy action out! This one is really tasty! A little acidic, a little sweet. The noodles are tasty too. A lot of vdggies and they’re interesting. I think there’s some cabbage going on and neat little spirally things  like in the bottom area of the above photo. So I liked it – giving 3.75 out of 5.0 stars – trippy stuff and a good breakfast.


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, JFC, Korea, Seafood