Category Archives: Knorr

#504: Knorr Pizza Instant Noodles

Yes, that’s right – it’s pizza flavored noodles. More interesting? They’re from Pakistan! So here’s yet another show of force in international fusion cuisine! Pizza is Italian, ramen noodles are a Japanese thing, and Pakistan is, well, another country! Well, let’s dig in!

Single packet. The packet itself had an interesting texture to it – kind of soft.

Here’s the seasoning – smelled kind of like a party pizza you’d find in the frozen section at the supermarket.

Here we go with some pizza flavored instant noodles. The noodles aren’t too bad – pretty standard fare like something Maruchan or Nissin would have as far as a domestic US product. Not a lot of noodles though for two cups of water. The broth had a kind of ‘party pizza’ like flavor to it – was quite strange but not bad. Very unique and truly multinational! 3.0 out of 5.0 stars.

Wow check this out – a ten minute cartoon about Knorr Noodles! Not only that, there are lots more of them!

This guy’s the man – party pizza, ramen, bacon and cheese – oh and hot sauce!


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Knorr, Other, Pakistan

#368: Knorr Chili Pork Flavour Cup Noodles

So here’s a weird looking one – something my sis brought me back from Canada. Chili Pork flavor sounds good in theory, but very curious how it’ll be in practice. Also, This is the first Knorr brand instant noodle I’ve reviewed; kind of surprising to be honest.

So I can’t exactly figure out where this comes from, so I’m going to play it safe and go with the labeling. It says its imported in Ontario, Canada., but upon a web search I found Thailand seemed the most logical of places.

Oil, powder seasoning and veggies / fake meat.

That seasoning oil can look a little nasty at times, can’t it?

So here’s the finished product. Not bad actually. There were a lot of chewy fake pork bits and pieces in there… Some veggies but not a lot. The broth was good and tasty – a good smack of chili flavor. The noodles were as expected – I mean it’s a cup of soup kind of thing so they were a little weaker than a package. Nice that they weren’t spongy. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.

Is it me or are they chanting “pudding pudding pudding pudding pudding, pudding!”

Best baseball team period.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Canada, Knorr, Pork, Thailand