Category Archives: Ottogi

#986: Paldo Jong-gah-jip Kimchi Ramen

Here’s one that was sent by Sungmin over at Paldo America – thank you! This is a new variety that just came out in South Korea. The name ‘Jong-gah-jip’ is of a well-known kimchi producer. Let’s give this a try!

Here’s the back of the package (click image to enlarge).

The noodle block.

The seasoning packet.

The powder is nice – salty and spicy, but not spicy in the extreme. Has a nice richness to it.

The vegetable packet.

A nice little variety.

We went to KS Mart yesterday. KS Mart is in the Lynnwood, Washington area on 172nd and 99.

It’s been a while since I’ve had any kimchi on hand, so it was time to get a jar! I’ve samples store-made varieties around this area and I would say my favorite’s made at KS Mart. Gotta put kimchi in kimchi ramyun, right?

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added kimchi, sweet onion, an egg and processed cheese. The noodles are your typical Paldo fare – nice amount and really tasty and wide. The broth is nice and rich with a strong flavor of gochujang and other seasonings. The veggies are good too. Good stuff! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8809296881537.

Here’s the rad Namja TV commercial!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Ottogi, Paldo / Korea Yakult

#975: Ottogi Spaghetti Ramen

Here one that came from Korea by way of Kristen W. of Arizona! Thank you so much! I’ve wanted to review this one for a long time! Let’s check this unique variety out.

Side panels (click image to enlarge).

The noodle block.

The powdered flavor packet.

The powder had a sweet flavor to it.

The veggie packet.

Corn and meatybits!

Here’s the sauce packet – lots of red stuff in here!

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added sweet onions, light ham and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are pretty standard ramyun noodles. The seasoning powder that stirs in has a light sweet’n’salty taste. The spaghetti sauce? Sweet and just a little spicy. The veggies are decent. This is a lot of fun and tastes great! 4.5 out of 5.0 stars – unique and enjoyable!UPC bar code 8801045571416.

Old Ottogi TV commercial.

Looks like an older Ottogi TV commercial!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Korea, Other, Ottogi

Donation From South Korea

Kristen W. of Arizona sent me some noodles she got while she was in South Korea!

This is a great little collection of South Korean varieties you can’t easily find here! Ottogi Cheese Ramyun and Spaghetti bowls – been wanting to try them for a while! The two above are Paldo Korea varieties – I think Rabokki and Jjajang. The Nongshim Shin Cup in the lower right is the South Korean version. Thank, Kristen! Soon as they’re made, some The Ramen Rater stickers will be coming your way!


Filed under * News, Korea, Nong Shim, Ottogi, Paldo / Korea Yakult

#950: Ottogi Kiss Myon Asian Style Instant Noodle Bowl (Cup)

Here’s the first new Ottogi variety I’ve reviewed in a long time! It’s an interesting one, too. This is most definitely a cup, however it says it is a noodle bowl on the packaging – weird! Hoping in 2013 to be able to get with Ottogi and do a Meet The Manufacturer – they’ve got some interesting twists on Korean instant noodles that are really good! Well, let’s give this one a try!

Here are the details from the side panels (click image to enlarge).

The noodle block.

A single seasoning packet.

A hot and spicy powder! Wow!

Here’s a little bit of the veggies from the bottom of the cup.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added an egg, green bell pepper and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are really quite nice. They have a little tension to them and are soft. The broth has a rich and spicy chicken flavor which I enjoyed. A good white broth cup! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 645175573227 – get the pack version here.

Kiss Myon TV commercial.

Another K-Pop star commercial for Ottogi.

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Korea, Other, Ottogi

#780: Ottogi Jin Ramen (Mild) (Korean Version)

Here’s one that was sent to me by Moon Hee Wi, the journalist who wrote the article in the JoongAng Ilbo a couple weeks ago! Thanks! Let’s give it a try!

The back of the package.

This is a pretty big rectangular noodle block!

Seasoning powder?

Nice reddish color.

The vegetable packet.

Looks like an okay amount.

Finished. Added an egg, a slice of processed cheese, some onions and some kimchi. The noodles are great – not too chewy and loads of them. The broth is a typical fiery hot Korean style ramyun broth – without the fire. The veggies hydrated decently and were a little different than others – a little chewier. Good stuff! Definitely a must for someone who’s scared of the heat of Korean ramyun. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8801045520117 – get the US version here.

Here’s a commercial for Jin Ramen.

I definitely want to review this – looks awesome!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Other, Ottogi