Category Archives: Poland

#988: Amino Kuchnia Polska Ogorkowa

Here’s another great one sent by Gil & Joe of the UK! This is a Polish variety. What’s Ogorkowa mean? Simple – cucumber soup. I looked around online and found lots of recipes, some using dill pickles and mentioning that pregnant Polish women favored this soup. Well, let’s check it out!

Here’s the back of the package (click image to enlarge).

As the noodles came from a long way via postal mail, they got a little beaten up – here’s one of the chunks.

The dry seasoning packet – a pretty big one!

Has a strong dill pickle scent and kind of a taste much like sour cream and onion chips.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added sweet onion, finely chopped ham and black pepper. The noodles  are pretty good – nothing really weird, just a nice consistency and chew. The broth is slightly on the bland side, but has a really interesting fill flavor to it I enjoyed. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 5900300545698.

A recipe for Ogorkowa.

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Filed under Amino, Other, Poland

#951: Vifon Pomidorowa Zupa Błyskawiczna Zmakaronem (Tomato Instant Noodle Soup Mild)

Here’s another great one sent by Joe & Gill from the UK! Thank you again! So this is a product geared towards the Polish market and made in Vietnam! Fascinating… Pomidorowa though; what’s that all about? I asked Wikipedia and got this:

Tomato soupsoup prepared on the basis of soup or broth with vegetables. The main ingredient, giving the flavor of the fresh tomatoes or tomato paste . Soup served with noodles or rice , and sometimes even the so-called. zacierką and cast cake . Often used to improve the taste of the herbs, such as basil or parsley parsley and whitewashes cream . It is good for the end to add a bit of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon . Tomato soup consists of a traditional dinner of Polish cuisine [1]

Yep – zupa pomidorowa translates to tomato soup. I expected something a little more fascinating! Well, let’s check it out.

Here’s the back of the packaging.

The noodle block.

Powdered seasoning.

Has an interesting color to the powder I’ve not seen previously.  Has a very strong tomato flavor.

Here’s the veggie packet – good size to it too.

Lots of small bits of veggies.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added onion, ham, and a fried egg with a little Jane’s Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles are nice – plentiful and thin. The broth has a nice and rich tomato flavor that is very good. The veggies really shined in this one – lots of them and they add to the broth in creating a nice and fresh atmosphere. This is great! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 5901882110175.

Polish Vifon commercial.

They have contests too!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Poland, Vegetable, Vi Fon, Vietnam

#943: Amino Kuchnia Polska Żurek

Here’s another new one from Joe & Gill of the UK! Wow! This is something brand new to me – instant noodles from Poland?! Yup they sure are. But what the heck is ‘Żurek?’ Well, Wikipedia has this to say:

The sour rye soup is a soup made of souredryeflour (akin to sourdough) and meat (usually boiled pork sausage or pieces of smoked sausage, bacon or ham). It is specific to Poland, where it is known as żur or żurek, and a variant is known as barszcz biały (“white barszcz“) which is made with wheat flour instead of rye. The soup is also found in the cuisines of other western Slavic nations such as Slovakia (kyslóvka). A variation of this soup is found in Czech Republic (kyselo – with mushrooms and without meat) and Lithuania.

Okay that’s cool – I have some ham I could add… Wikipedia continues:

In Poland it is sometimes served in an edible bowl made of bread or with boiled potatoes. The recipe varies from region to region.

In Silesia, a type of sour rye soup known as żur śląski is served in a bowl, poured over mashed potatoes. In the Podlaskie region, it is common to eat żurek with halved hard-boiled eggs.

In Poland żurek is traditionally eaten at Easter, but is also popular during other parts of the year. It is usually served with bread or buns, and sometimes flavored with bits of sausage, often in the plate made of bread.

I’ve got eggs too, so I think I’ll add some ham and hard boil an egg (of course after I have sampled the broth and noodles first for the reviw).

The import sticker (imported into England, that is).

The back of the package (click image to enlarge).

A big chunk of the noodle block.

The seasoning packet. A good sized one with a lot inside.

The powdered seasoning. Has a smoky scent and a definite sausage flavor – interesting!

Finished (click image to enlarge). I added thin sliced ham, sweet onion, some hard boiled egg and a bit of black pepper. The noodles aren’t bad – nothing amazing though. A nice texture that one would expect from instant noodles. The broth is very interesting. A light, smoked meat flavor – like smoked sausage. Interesting stuff. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 5900300587728 .

Here’s a recipe for Żurek.

Cool sounding track..

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Amino, Poland, Pork