Category Archives: * Price $2.01 – $3.00

#756: Daikoku Bikkuchigekara Ramen (Big Chige Ramen)

Here’s one from Uwajimaya. Not sure about much of anything with this one so it’s kind of a crap shoot. Sure hope it’s good – this is breakfast.

Interesting – this has kimchi in it.

Here’s the side panels – not sure what they have to say.

The noodle block – very round.

This is one fat packet of seasoning.

Veggies and seasoning in one.

Finished. Added two fried eggs, a little beef lunch meat, some snap peas, green bell pepper, broccoli, jalapeno, some Texas Pete hot sauce, Ajishima Kimchi Furikake and a dash of Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles are really quite good for a cup – they’re nice in color and texture and are in abundance. The broth has a spiciness to it and was almost slightly acidic or had a kind of citrus punch to it – was interesting. The veggies were great – they got pretty good sized and were semi-prevalent. I liked this one, although I would’ve liked maybe a tad less seaweed. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 4904511004174 .

Ramen vendor in Japan

Look at da cars! Daikokufuto, Yokohama, Japan.

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Daikoku, Japan, Other

#751: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Premium Onion Flavor (Cup)

Check it out – the new Shin Black cup! Onion flavor! I’ve had one of these chilling on my shelf for a while now – been wanting to review it and now that it’s out on the market, I can! Let’s check it out!

Something to note: Nongshim is a big sponsor of Expo 2012 in Yeosu, Korea. They have their own pavilion showing off this product! Here’s a link to their blog to check it out!

Here’s the lid and the instructions.

I have a visual aid device that will help me reading fine print. It was very helpful for getting images off the sides of the cup – it’s dark red on black – colors that my eyes don’t do too well with!

The noodle block.

Here’s the spicy stuff!

Definitely some nice spiciness here!

A packet of onionny goodness!

I took a little pinch of this and tasted. Wow – this is definitely one for those who enjoy onions – it is seriously onionny – seriously!

The vegetables. These were loose in the cup. One thing I’ve found annoying is that usually the veggies in instant noodles are tiny and light. These are decent sized chunks of mushrooms and other veggies! This looks decent.

Finished – added nothing. Okay so let’s get right to it. The noodles are pretty good – more of them than I had expected from a cup. Thin like one would expect. The broth: this is some of the best liquid I have ever tasted. It is seething with onion! It has a sweet and spicy taste to it. Spot on! The veggies: okay, see that on top in the middle? That’s a slice of garlic. Underneath are some mushrooms. The garlic tastes like a piece of garlic sliced thin; it isn’t mushy – it’s crunchy! The mushrooms are quite good too!  If you are a fan of spicy Korean noodles and really like onions a lot, this is definitely for you. I am a person who falls into the affirmative on both of these qualities. This is unique and excellent – 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – a must try! UPC bar code 031146014408 .

K Pop star IU is doing the ads for this new product.

Here’s another…

…and yet another.

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Vegetable

#722: Yamamoto Seafood Flavor Ramen

Some Japanese stuff that’s been waiting for just the right day – and this is it. I may have not translated the title exactly right – a few things mentioned ‘thickening’ and ‘flour,’ so this may be thick seafood ramen.  Anyways, shall we?

Here’s what the distributor’s sticker looks like…

The noodle block awaits some boiling water!

A single seasoning packet – pretty big though!

Here’s the seasoning powder. Very light and a good amount of it.

Finished. Added some stir-fry veggies, narutomaki, Ajishima Kim Chi furikake and some Sushinori. The noodles are good – a little thinner than most in a bowl and just slightly firmer. The broth is nice – salty and has a bit of that ‘of the sea’ flavor going on.  I liked it – good stuff! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 4979397770024 .

Japanese seafood market

Eskimo Disco 7-111 featuring Pingu

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Seafood, Yamamoto

#711: Nong Shim Hearty Beef Rice Noodle Soup

I thought today I’d review this one, sent to me by the nice folks at Ramen Place – thanks! Was thinking it would go nicely with some of the stir fry veggies I’ve been enjoying lately. I also talked with Ray from Nong Shim today – found out a little bit of information that you might find interesting if you didn’t know. Nong Shim’s logo is a seed, and Nong Shim translates to ‘Farmer’s Heart.’ I like that – and we’ll see how I like these noodles now!

Here’s the back of the package. Hey – what’s that? A sweepstakes mention on the left side?

Aww I missed the deadline!

Here’s the noodles all ready to go.

Here’s the dry soup base packet.

I took a little taste – mmm garlicky!

Here’s the veggie packet.

…and the veggies – quite a nice amount of them too!

Decided to open up a bottle of my homemade hot sauce. It’s just over a year old and there aren’t many left! Made it for our wedding! Fresno peppers, cilantro, garlic, tomatillo, xanthan gum and vinegar.

Finished. I added a two egg omelet with a little bit of shredded cheese, some of my hot sauce, oregano and Krazy Mixed Up Salt on top. I added some store brand stir fry veggies and a little Ajishima Kim Chi furikake to the noodles. Starting with the noodles: these are now my favorite rice noodles now. They’re not overly chewy and have a nice consistency that I’ve not found in rice noodles before; they’re usually drier and chewier. I do like broad rice noodles too, but these are very nice for their gauge. The broth was nice – a creamy color and a nice taste of beef. The veggies wergood too – re-hydrated nicely. I liked this one a lot! 4.25 out of 5.0 stars – a pleasant surprise! UPC barcode 031146012190 – get it here.

Commercial for this product!

IU in HooRooRook commercial

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Beef, Korea, Nong Shim

#706: Unif Man Han Feast Spring Onion Eel Flavor Instant Noodle

Are you ready for the Man Han Feast???! I suppose I am! Wow – what an interesting bowl of noodles – VERY curious to see what lurks within…

Here’s all the text off of the label, scanned in meticulously. Quite a bit of text!

Packet number one – feels like soup base and veggies.

Sure is – and there are your spring onions!

Here’s the seasoned oil – packet number two!

One little blob of greasy wonder.

Okay here we go – a retort pouch! Fried Eel With Spicy Sauce! This is not textured vegetable protein – according to the ingredients thar be eel inside! Awesome! I have had freshwater eel sushi before (unagi) and love it – it’s my favorite. Hopefully this is good too!

The noodle block is austere and is like a throne for the flavors about to be unleashed.

Finished. This is in it’s unchanged state with no additions. Yes, in the middle that is the eel. First, the noodles. They have a decent texture and are flat and slightly broader than a standard instant noodle – good stuff. The broth is full of flavors – spiciness from the eel sauce, some onion notes and a good saltiness. The vegetables are pretty good – wish they were a little bigger but all in all they’re nice. Finally, the eel. It is wonderful – much better than I expected. It ties everything together and adds a nice flavor. If you haven’t had eel before, it’s a very light tasting meat and this being my first time tasting a cooked eel, it has the texture of a slightly chewy tuna and almost a hint of that flavor. It works very well. This was a good bowl of noodles – I think I saw more of this line at 99 Ranch here in town so I’m going to see what else they have. This man found the Man Han Feast to be really good! 4.25 out of 5.0 stars! UPC barcode 4710088100368

Feeding freshwater eel

Fileting an eel – fast!


Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Other, Seafood, Taiwan, Unif