Category Archives: Saigon Ve Wong

#710: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Instant Noodles Mixed Foods Flavor

Been saving this one for just the right day – and here it is! Mixed foods flavor?! Wow this is a fascinating one – never have I found an instant noodle with such a non-descript totle! Surf and turf? Not sure what’s going on here but we’ll give ‘er a try!

To be honest, if you read the ingredients it looks like it’s kind of a seafood bowl.

The noodle block.

Powder seasoning.

Very fine powder.

Veggie and dehydrated seafood packet.

Dehydrated naruto and a couple little shrimp in there.

Seasoned oil packet.

Reminds me of an ocean on a sunny day with some seagulls. Yeah I know…

Finished. Made a two egg omelet with a little Kikkoman soy sauce and some Melinda’s Garlic Habanero hot sauce. Also added some store brand stir fry veggies and Ajishima Kim Chi furikake on top of those. The noodles are lackluster – kind of stringy and not super happy. The broth is interesting; kind of sweet seafoody like crab. I would say it’s kind of a mixed seafood flavor. The veggies aren’t bad; the shrimp and naruto were kind of passable. I think the title was really what drew me to this one and I’m not surprised with the quality. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 8934684025511 .

Foods from all over the world event in Sweden – looks amazing!

Here’s how to make Vietnamese Mixed Foods Soup!

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Other, Saigon Ve Wong, Seafood, Ve Wong, Vietnam

#670: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Chicken Flavor Instant Rice Noodles

Definitely one that’s been sitting at the bottom of the noodle hamper for a while – it’s barely expired – not worried. Let’s give it a try!

Here’s everything you could possibly want to know.

Clockwise from top left: seasoned oil, powder seasoning, chili powder and veggies.

Here we are! Time for boiling water.

Since the bowl was banged up, I figured I ought to put it in a real bowl. Added an egg with some salt and pepper. The noodles are my favorite kind of rice noodles; they’re not chewy and not like angel hair – they’re nice and soft and tasty! The broth is very interesting – definitely an artificial chicken flavor. Has some spiciness to it from the chili powder. The Veggies are very abundant, but they don’t really do a lot for me. Pretty nice though – I liked it. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 8934674032113.

How to make pho!

The bus I rode on coming home from work this afternoon.

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, Chicken, Saigon Ve Wong, Ve Wong, Vietnam

#668: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Instant Noodles Vegetarian flavor

Thought I’d eat this before it got too far out of date. Got it at 99 Ranch Market – my wife spotted it and lo and behold, I hadn’t reviewed it. Here we go…

Close up of the ingredients, directions and nutrition facts.

From left to right: seasoned oil, veggies and powdered seasoning.

Everything awaits the boiling water.

Finished. I added one scrambled egg that I infused with Old Bay Garlic & Herb seasoning and also added a few splashes of Tabasco Jalapeno hot sauce. The noodles themselves aren’t too bad actually – almost a buttry flavor. The broth though was really bland I thought. Really lacked a lot of flavor. I ended up salting the noodles – something I only have done maybe twice. Not my favorite. 2.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 8934684025573 .

Aulacese Royal Veggie Noodle Soup

Korean Pizza Hut shown by the Eat Your Kimchi folks!

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, Kung Fu, Saigon Ve Wong, Ve Wong, Vegetable, Vietnam

#613: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Instant Noodles Artificial Pork Flavor

The last noodlesd were so bad that I had to toss them. What a waste! Ah well, this should be good enough to eat!!!

Here’s the nutrition and ingredients and directions.

From left to right: veggies/fake pork bits, seasoned oil and powder seasoning.

Wow this looks like an agry bowl! Let’s see if it’s good!

Two fried eggs were added. Well, this is much better than the last one! The noodles are good, though could be a touch fluffier. The broth is tasty with a light bit of spiciness. The veggies and funky fake meat barely affect the dish at all; easy to overlook. 3.0 out of 5.0 stars.

Tourism video about Saigon

Moroder interview.



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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Pork, Saigon Ve Wong, Ve Wong, Vietnam

#474: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Shrimp & Crab Flavor Instant Rice Noodles

Something else from Saigon Ve Wong – Shrimp & Crab flavor! I sure found a lot of these down in California at the Dublin 99 Ranch Market. They’re pretty cheap too – I think these were around a dollar. I recently had a request that I include the prices of these noodles on my reviews – and that’s going to be a little tricky… See, when I go noodle hunting, I end up getting as many new kinds as I can and a lot of the time the receipt has a list – and extremely cryptic listings. So I’ll do my best – I can do an ‘around’ pricing kind of deal. So yeah – this was around a buck. Anyways…

Four packets! Sweet! Starting top left going clockwise: veggies, seasoned oil, powder soup base, chili powder.

Everything sitting atop some rice noodles.

Added two fried eggs with a little bit of Cavender’s All-Purpose Greek Seasoning (really awesome stuff – if you haven’t tried it, check it out here). So this was better than I expected – the noodles came out a little more al dente than usual – usually a complaint but it worked here. The broth was very tasty – lots of nice veggies and bits of shrimp. I was very happy with this one – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars.

Vietnamese noodle fondue? Oh wow this looks really cool!

Travel video about Vietnam – looks pretty interesting!


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Saigon Ve Wong, Seafood, Vietnam