Tag Archives: 041789001727

#930: Maruchan 35% Less Sodium Instant Lunch Beef Flavor Ramen Noodles With Vegetables

After this one, I think I have only four new ones to review! Egad! Hoping the mailman brings some new things to review soon! So here’s a cup of noodles for breakfast…

Here’s the back of the cardboard outer (click image to enlarge).

The iconic cup. I must say I dig on the font and the colors; very 70’s / early 80’s look and feel to it.

A scan of the lid (click image to enlarge).

The noodle block. If you notice, the noodles are bespeckled in a layer of powder – that being the seasoning. There are no packets here – everything is ready to go.

Here are some of the veggies I picked out of the cup.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Drained broth, added stir fry veggies, sweet onion, kizami shoga (pickled ginger), minced garlic, and an egg. Fried in a small skilled for a while and added a pinch of Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake and Dua Belibis chili sauce on top. Before this as usual I did the sampling. The noodles were good – nice texture and chew. The broth was lighter than usual, but had a nice beef flavor I enjoyed. The veggies hydrated well. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 041789001727 – get it here.

Absolutely awesome – why don’t any noodle companies give away stuff with their noodles in the USA? I call for an instant noodle rennaisance – marketing blitz and social hipness explosion!

Looks fancy and tasty.

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