Tag Archives: 21557

#871: Dragonfly Instant Noodles Artificial Hot & Sour Shrimp Flavor

Time for breakfast! Been waiting to try this one for just the right day. Just look at those enormous shrimp on that package! Jeez! I’m sure this will make for a good breakfast. Got this one at the local H Mart. By the way – today is a holiday – check out what Wikipedia says about it:

Constitution Day (or Citizenship Day) is an American federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens. It is observed on September 17, the day the U.S. Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution in 1787.[2]

The law establishing the holiday was created in 2004 with the passage of an amendment by Senator Robert Byrd to the Omnibus spending bill of 2004.[3] Before this law was enacted, the holiday was known as “Citizenship Day”. In addition to renaming the holiday “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day,” the act mandates that all publicly funded educational institutions provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution on that day.[4] In May 2005, the United States Department of Education announced the enactment of this law and that it would apply to any school receiving federal funds of any kind.[5] This holiday is not observed by granting time off work for federal employees.

So happy Constitution Day! Happy Citizenship Day! Noodle time!!!

The back of the packaging (click to enlarge).

This is a big noodle block!

Here’s the dry seasoning.

A fine powder.

Liquid base.

Has a strong lemon scent – very tom yum.


Nice mixture.

Finished. Added some veggies, two fried egg with Krazy Mixed Up Salt and some Crystal Hot Sauce. The Noodles are excellent – buttery and plentiful. Nice chew. The broth has a great citrus and spicy taste – very much like tom yum soup. I’m always impressed by the quality of these; they’re inexpensive and really good! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars! UPC bar code 721557450925 – get it here!

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Evan Osnos talks about a viral video that made Chinese citizens stand up; Nigeriatown in Guangzhou; and other signs of a new China. Chicago, May 1, 2009.

Here’s the video he’s talking about.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, Dragonfly Brand, Seafood

#832: Dragonfly Mee-Goreng Dry Ramen Noodles

Found this the other day at KS Mart in Lynnwood (that’s where I git my kimchi!). This is from China – never had a Chinese made mee-goreng before! Usually I like the Dragonfly stuff though. Let’s give this a go!

Back of the package.

This is a big noodle block for mee-goreng! Rad!

The dry seasonings.

Kind of a sweet and garlic-onion taste.

Liquid packet.

Looks like seasoned oil and maybe some sweet soy sauce in there.

Finished. Added some veggies, some roast beef I sauteed with garlic, a fried egg with some Krazy Mixed Up Salt and some Dua Belibis hot chili sauce. The noodles are thin and very springy. The flsavor is interesting – not like Indomie Mie Goreng – it’s got a strong anise taste and is kind of sweet, but has no spiciness at all. Interesting stuff – a lot of it, too. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 721557450253 .

Shanghai in 1973 – this is awesome!

Stevie Winwood – Shanghai Noodle Factory

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, Dragonfly Brand, Other, Pork