Tag Archives: 45175

#921: Ottogi Jjajang Bokki

Currently, I have only four new varieties in my noodle hamper and this in one of them. The ‘jjajang’ is a black bean and noodle dish which is brothless. Every Korean brand seems to have their own variation – here’s Ottogi’s bowl version.

Complete with drain spouts!

Here are the side panels (click to enlarge).

The noodle block.

The powder seasoning.

Tons of it!


Nice little mixture.

Finished (click image to enlarge). The noodles are pretty good – plenty of them and a decent consistency. The jjajang flavor is very nice – all the noodles are enrobed in a tasty black bean sauce. The Veggies could’ve been a little more plentiful. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code  645175571438 .

An Ottogi Ramen Bokki TV commercial with BEAST.

So what’s Ppushu Ppushu? See here!

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Other, Vegetable

#816: Vina Acecook Oh! Ricey Phnom Penh Style Instant Rice Noodles

Back in Washington! We had a great trip down to the Bay Area – saw the San Francisco Giants play (and win) at AT&T Park, went to Six Flags in Vallejo, CA and lots of other fun things. On the way home, we stopped at the Uwajimaya in Beaverton, Oregon. Found ten new varieties I’d never seen before and here’s one of them. Sounds good! Gonna give it a try.

Here’s the back of the package. Looks like you steep this one.

Rice noodles in here…

A packet of dry seasoning.

Has a kind of sweet taste to it. Upon looking up Phnom Penh Style on google, I found this story – mentions using rock sugar.

Seasoned oil.

Lots of little bits and pieces in there.

Veggies are usually quite good from this brand.

Lots of little straight pieces.

Finished. Added some veggies. The noodles are great – soft and seperate easily. The broth has a nice sweet flavor along with a lsight spice. The supplied veggies compliment very well – not only as a garnish but are appealing to look at. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8934563453145 .

Here’s a demo of ‘steeping.’

A short piece about Vietnamese rock in the sixties


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Pork, Vietnam, Vina Acecook / Acecook

#735: Ottogi Asian Style Instant Noodle Odongtong Myon (Seafood) Spicy Flavor

In the last week, I did a ‘Meet The Manufacturer on Indomie and have been enjoying Indonesian instant noodles. Today, I am going to try something completely different – donated by Ramen Place. It’s a Korean seafood big bowl – spicy stuff! This should be interesting as Indonesian noodles have been so different. Here we go!

Here’s the side panels.

The noodle block – looks like wide gauge noodles here.

A single seasoning pack – feels full!

It was quite full – of the red spicy powder seasoning!

Under the noodle block was the vegetables. Looks like a decent assortment.

Finished. Added some of the great local veggie mix we made and froze and a little Ajishima Salmon furikake.  The noodles in this one were really a disappointment. Very spongy. They didn’t soak up a lot of flavor either which was a bummer. The broth is good, though – it’s been a little while since I’ve had some Korean red soup broth and it was very nice. The veggies were decent too – a nice variety as well as some decent dehydrated seafood rounded things out well. Unfortunately, couldn’t get past the noodles. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 645175572824 – get it here.

B2ST doing an Ottogi commercial.

So my wife and I have been listening to some different music lately. I’ve been trying to listen to the local music of the brands of noodles I’m reviewing. Yesterday we were listening to a lot of K-Pop and this one kind of stood out. ‘Nonsense’ by Koyote

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Korea, Ottogi, Seafood

#718: Ottogi Kiss Myon Spicy Chicken Flavor

Thanks to this sample from Nick over at OrderRamen, today I’m trying the third entry into the ring of ‘white broth’ ramyuns from Korea. The others, Paldo’s Kko Kko Myun and Samyang’s Nagasaki Jjampong I found to taste a lot like Jalapeno Cheese Cheetos! Very curious if Ottogi’s offering is like that too. Let’s find out!

Here’s the back of the packaging. This one’s different from the other two – right now, you can’t get the other two in the USA, but Ottogi’s got this stuff available now for US customers.

This is one big block of noodles! Awesomeness!

This is one decently filled packet of powder seasoning.

Very powdery stuff – much like the other white broth soups.

Here come the veggies!

Here are the contents of the packet.

Finished. Added a couple fried eggs with pepper and Krazy Mixed Up Salt. Starting with the noodles: very different than what I’m used to from a Korean noodle. The noodles bulked up nicely and had an interesting texture – the outermost layer was kind of like bean thread while the inside was firmer. The broth is pretty good stuff – has a nice, spicy jalapeno heat to it and had a good chicken flavor. I would not say though that this broth tastes as much like Jalapeno Cheese Cheetos, though. The veggies aren’t bad – would like to see a bit more. All in all, a pretty good bowl of noodles! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. 645175524953 – get it here!

Ottogi Kiss Myon commercial

Another version of the commercial…

Something I found interesting – there are a lot of ‘making of’ videos of famous Korean stars and their instant noodle commercials! Amazing@!

This guy is REALLY popular in Korea!




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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Korea, Ottogi