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#654: Namchow Mee Jang Noodle Soup Sour Spicy Chicken (Tom Yum)

This is a pretty generic looking bowl of instant noodles. However, they’re from Thailand and boast a hot and spicy Tom Yum flavor – Hopefully they’re really good!

Here’s some information from the side panels.

Pasty liquid seasoning on left, powdered on the right.

Here’s everything awaiting the boiling water three minute bath.

Finished. Noodles were of a decent nature – a little chewy and not at all spongy. The broth lives up to its name – very strong spicy and sour flavors with a lot of citrus flavors. There’s a good chicken taste as well. It is lacking in veggies though – there aren’t any, unfortunately. Pretty good stuff – 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 684431000763 .

Thai soups

The Whisky and Water Trick


Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Namchow, Thailand