Tag Archives: 711

#830: Seven & i (7-11 Japan) Premium Shoyu Noodle

This one comes from Courtney N. from British Columbia, Canada! How rad – this is from Seven-11 in Japan! Looks interesting…

Here’s the lid.

The side panels.

Wow just look at that! Lots of bits and pieces – multiple shrimp! Looks awesome!

Finished. Added a few pieces of kamaboko. The noodles are quite decent, the broth is tasty – sweet and salty, and the bits and pieces are above and beyond! Beef, shrimp, egg – it’s really quite different from any cup I’ve had here in the US before. 4.5 out of 5.0 stars – this is amazing! UPC bar code 7901734015765 .

A vintage 7-11 commercial!

A short video of Japanese 7-11. About 4 1/2 minutes in you get to see some noodle cups!


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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Japan, Seafood, Seven-Eleven