Tag Archives: 8801128510004

#829: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Kko Kko Myun King Cup

In the US, it’s Kokomen, in Korea it’s Kko Kko Myun! They also have not only the package variety, but also in a King Cup! Let’s see if it’s as good as the package version.

Side panel details.

The noodle block – not as many as the package verion but they have a very nice color.

Seasoning powder.

Lots of the light color powder.

The veggies are included in the bottom of the cup.

Finished. Added some onion, hard boiled egg  and a little baked chicken with some Krazy Mixed Up Salt. Noodles are slightly less resilient as those in the regular package – slightly. The broth is excellent – that great jalapeno and chicken flavor hits hard and tasty! The veggies are good too – nice when slurping the soup! Good stuff! 4.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8801128510004 – get the package version here.

Kko Kko Myun TV commercial

A nice video about Kko Kko Myun and white broth ramyuns!


Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult