Tag Archives: 99 ranch

#710: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Instant Noodles Mixed Foods Flavor

Been saving this one for just the right day – and here it is! Mixed foods flavor?! Wow this is a fascinating one – never have I found an instant noodle with such a non-descript totle! Surf and turf? Not sure what’s going on here but we’ll give ‘er a try!

To be honest, if you read the ingredients it looks like it’s kind of a seafood bowl.

The noodle block.

Powder seasoning.

Very fine powder.

Veggie and dehydrated seafood packet.

Dehydrated naruto and a couple little shrimp in there.

Seasoned oil packet.

Reminds me of an ocean on a sunny day with some seagulls. Yeah I know…

Finished. Made a two egg omelet with a little Kikkoman soy sauce and some Melinda’s Garlic Habanero hot sauce. Also added some store brand stir fry veggies and Ajishima Kim Chi furikake on top of those. The noodles are lackluster – kind of stringy and not super happy. The broth is interesting; kind of sweet seafoody like crab. I would say it’s kind of a mixed seafood flavor. The veggies aren’t bad; the shrimp and naruto were kind of passable. I think the title was really what drew me to this one and I’m not surprised with the quality. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 8934684025511 .

Foods from all over the world event in Sweden – looks amazing!

Here’s how to make Vietnamese Mixed Foods Soup!

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Other, Saigon Ve Wong, Seafood, Ve Wong, Vietnam

Something Curry To Cook For Valentine’s Day

I got an email with this recipe in it today and thought I’d post it – sounds like a nice little Valentine’s Day dinner. Hope everyone’s having a good day!

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#448: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Sesame Chicken Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup

Here we have some noodles from Vietnam. I got these during the trip to California in Pleasanton. I’m figuring these won’t be too bad –  in my time as a noodle reviewer, I must say that chicken flavor is pretty hard to screw up. So let’s see what we have here!

Powdered seasoning on the left, oil on the right. I figure it’s a very large sachet of sesame oil from the color and the fact that its sesame chicken flavor….

My thoughts on the oil were correct – sesame oil for sure. What I didn’t expect was the aroma of ginger from the chicken seasoning packet – that was very nice to experience for sure!

Added one fried egg. The noodles weren’t too bad but a little on the mushy side. The broth was great – a kind of chicken ginger sesame amalgam that was very enjoyable and the ebb was welcomed by all. Excellent! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars!


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Taiwan, Ve Wong

Ramen Rater News

So here’s what I currently have to review – 20 different packages. I am pretty sure there should be lots more out there to pick up no problem. I still go out on my daily trips to the local asian groceries. I try to only get a single pack of noodles but it can be hard as they’re so cheap. With the advent of the city of Edmonds’ no single use plastic bag law, I had to dig out my backpack to carry things in. Irritating…

Been getting some interesting emails from people lately – a couple of which have told me ‘I’m doing it wrong’ – like on the Wei Lih and the Unif Chah Chiang varieties. So I’ll eventually have to re-review those. Should be interesting…

Gotten a few emails asking where to find noodles in specific areas of the United States. I’ll be happy to help with that no problem for sure. Some have been really annoyed and refused to believe that there could be any noodles near them, but I think that there are some pretty local to everyone in the United States – just gotta be a little resourceful. By the way – I’ve only bought one thing on the Internet but haven’t eaten it – nor will I ever as it is quite old…

Yeah here’s my Arnold Schwarzenegger Cup Noodle. Got it off of eBay a few years ago and it was a few years old back then. I was asked yesterday if I think some noodle companies have a competitiveness amongst eachother. When you’re paying for the pre-Governator to adorn your noodle cups, yeah there’s competition. But not here in the states where noodles seem to be an afterthought and more of a last resort for college students.

So something you can do on your way to the asian supermarket – actually leaving – is look around the entrance/exit area. There are usually a ton of newspapers and other printed materials as well as free CDs, DVDs, cassettes, VHS tapes – you name it. At 99 Ranch yesterday I would say there were about 60 cassettes sitting in a box. What’s on this stuff? Wel,l some is Vietnamese, I think some is Korean but its all for the most part religious. I picked up a little baggie there the other da that had 4 DVDs in it. It was a funeral, and the months leading up to the funeral of an old woman – who I imagine was important. Was a lot of chanting repetitively. I don’t know what it was about but it was interesting.

So there’s the current news… I’ll post something else soon.

– The Ramen Rater


Filed under * News