Tag Archives: artificial beef

#502: Sunlee Pho Bo Instant Rice Stick Artificial Beef Flavour Bowl

So this looks interesting – a square bowl! It’s also Sunlee brand which I’ve enjoyed in the past. Got this at a nice little shop in Anaheim while we were doing Disneyland.

Rice stick? Beef and sticks of rice… Sounds like fun!

A few packets and a fork! Oil, veggies and seasoning powder

Here’s everything out of the packet atop the noodles. I like the color of the oil and the veggies against the rice sticks…

So you add 360cc water and cover it for a few minutes and presto! Not too shabby – I wish the noodles had been a little more done. I let them sit extra long too. Maybe that’s what makes it ‘stick.’ Anyways, the flavor was nice and beefish and the broth was tasty. The broth did however have some greasiness that didn’t jibe right with the noodles and kind of knocked everything off kilter and made the meal seem like an afterthought as the packaging was very attractive.  I saw this same thing happen with the Fashion Foods varieties I’ve reviewed before. 2.0 out of 5.0 stars. It could’ve been done a little differently and been quite nice but honestly it was a trainwreck.

I looked up Sunlee TVC on YouTube and this was right up there… Interesting…

An old film about propaganda.


Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, Beef, Sunlee, Thailand

#458: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Beef Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup

Hai Ya! Yet another bowl of Ve Wong’s Kung-Fu line or instant oriental noodle soups! Today it’s artificial beef flavor. Dig it!

Seasoned oil to the left, some powdery stuff to the right. Big silver packet so maybe some veggies?

Yup – veggies and soup base on the left and the seasoned oil on the right surfing atop the noodle blcok.

One egg added – one fried egg. Let’s see here… The noodles were as they usually are – pretty good and slightly mushy. The broth was just salty enough, had a nice beef like flavor – very artificial… The veggies were quite abundant – I like that. Was great! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars for this sub-$1 bowl!

This place looks like they make the non-artificial style noodle soup! That thing is groovy!

Yeah – a history of forks!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Taiwan, Ve Wong

#436: Unif Bowl Instant Noodles – Artificial Beef With Sauerkraut Flavor

Wow look at this one – all purple and yellow… Very different looking than anything I’ve seen yet. And the flavor – beef and sauerkraut? I wonder if it’s going to be any good? Well, let’s have at it!

So purple packet must be the sauerkraut, next to it would be the seasoned oil and below the powder seasoning. A fork! I did a mention of this one before in the special fork report so no need to do it again.

Would you look at that – kind of scary eh? Time to add boiling water and give ‘er a try…

So here we are. So first off, it’s spicy and I really did not expect that at all. Strong cabbage taste – that’s what sauerkraut is so logical… The broth is salty and kind of a beef taste but reminds me slightly of bad milk. The noodles aren’t bad but unimpressive. Hmmm. I’m still a little moved by the interestingness of these noodles. It’s a very very different flavor that’s for sure. Despite some weirdness, it’s strangely addicting and is getting 3.75 stars out of 5.0. It’s definitely worth checking out!



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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Taiwan, Unif