Tag Archives: bacon

#943: Amino Kuchnia Polska Żurek

Here’s another new one from Joe & Gill of the UK! Wow! This is something brand new to me – instant noodles from Poland?! Yup they sure are. But what the heck is ‘Żurek?’ Well, Wikipedia has this to say:

The sour rye soup is a soup made of souredryeflour (akin to sourdough) and meat (usually boiled pork sausage or pieces of smoked sausage, bacon or ham). It is specific to Poland, where it is known as żur or żurek, and a variant is known as barszcz biały (“white barszcz“) which is made with wheat flour instead of rye. The soup is also found in the cuisines of other western Slavic nations such as Slovakia (kyslóvka). A variation of this soup is found in Czech Republic (kyselo – with mushrooms and without meat) and Lithuania.

Okay that’s cool – I have some ham I could add… Wikipedia continues:

In Poland it is sometimes served in an edible bowl made of bread or with boiled potatoes. The recipe varies from region to region.

In Silesia, a type of sour rye soup known as żur śląski is served in a bowl, poured over mashed potatoes. In the Podlaskie region, it is common to eat żurek with halved hard-boiled eggs.

In Poland żurek is traditionally eaten at Easter, but is also popular during other parts of the year. It is usually served with bread or buns, and sometimes flavored with bits of sausage, often in the plate made of bread.

I’ve got eggs too, so I think I’ll add some ham and hard boil an egg (of course after I have sampled the broth and noodles first for the reviw).

The import sticker (imported into England, that is).

The back of the package (click image to enlarge).

A big chunk of the noodle block.

The seasoning packet. A good sized one with a lot inside.

The powdered seasoning. Has a smoky scent and a definite sausage flavor – interesting!

Finished (click image to enlarge). I added thin sliced ham, sweet onion, some hard boiled egg and a bit of black pepper. The noodles aren’t bad – nothing amazing though. A nice texture that one would expect from instant noodles. The broth is very interesting. A light, smoked meat flavor – like smoked sausage. Interesting stuff. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 5900300587728 .

Here’s a recipe for Żurek.

Cool sounding track..

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Amino, Poland, Pork

#562: Batchelors Super Noodles Bacon Flavour

When I mentioned I would be reviewing this to my friend Matthew B., he exclaimed ‘bacon is the opiate of the masses!’ I would have to agree; there is nothing on this planet as good as the prince of foods, bacon. With that, I present for your viewing pleasure, bacon flavored British instant noodles. Thanks again, Cindy!

Yep – bacon flavor! How awesome is that? Mentioning hot sauce on the back was nice to see too!

Here’s the back of the package – this one isn’t one of the ‘cash inside’ contest ones.

The single packet contained a goodly amount of fluffy yellow/brownish powder. Smelled like bacon too!

I think its pretty obvious; I like eggs with my noodles. But I also had to put some toast in the mix on this one to make it a balanced breakfast. Just looking at the noodles themselves, they were of a decent quality, and the sauce/flavor was great! A mild bacon flavor that was quite enjoyable – how awesome is this? Uber awesome. 4.25 out of 5.0 stars! Pick some up here.

Batchelors Super Noodles advert!

This is the holy grail of bacon: the famous Bacon Explosion.


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Batchelors, England, Pork

#499: Dragonfly Artificial Beef Flavor Instant Noodles

I was quite happy to see a few new big bowl style instant noodles when I was at an Asian grocery the other day, especially Dragonfly brand – I think I’ve only reviewed a single solitary Dragonfly instant noodle thus far. Now I think there’s at least four or five to do! Well, let’s start with this one. Beefalicious? Let’s hope so – I mean it IS the review before the big psychological number 500!

Alrighty here we go! First, a nice new fork – it’s in the Included Forks report – the 9/7/2011 update. As for the seasoning sachets, from left to right we have liquid sauce, veggies and finally the dry powder seasoning.

Doesn’t look all that exciting here – the liquid smells kind of nice…

Added one fried egg. Well, I’m extremely pleased with this one! The first bite had some unexpected spiciness – strange spiciness! All I can say is that it was a slightly hot flavor with hints of beef and an almost bacon like finish. The broth was very nice – had just enough oil from the liquid packet to be very reminiscent of a beef broth. The veggies were amazing – carrot and cabbage notes made everything very well balanced. I was sad that the meal had to end. I highly recommend it and happily give it 4.75 out of 5.0 stars.

Well, I found Dragonfly Brand mentioned in this instructional video…

A few months ago when I was on Anacortes’ KWLE 1340AM ‘The Whale!’


Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Beef, China, Dragonfly Brand

#447: Ve Wong Little Prince Brand Snack Noodles Bacon Flavor

So I wasn’t sure what this was at first – I figured by the color that they were shrimp flavored or something. Then I looked below and saw…

Bacon? Oh sweet! Jackpot! Receive bacon! Twenty little five gram baggies of bacon flavor noodle snacks!

Here’s one of the little bags. They’re very small and a quick snack to remind you that you are going to be hungry later and that bacon is tasty.

Bacon tasty noodle snack unveiled. So how did it taste? Freakin’ awesome – like bacon flavored little bits of crunchy noodles! I’m wondering if it would be worth it to try and add them to some boiling water and make bacon ramen with them… I dunno. I will say this though – they’re excellent. 4.75 out of 5.0 stars!


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Pork, Ve Wong, Vietnam