Tag Archives: barbecue

#723: Indomie Mi Goreng Barbecue Chicken Flavour Fried Noodles

Hey – haven’t I reviewed this before? Nope! This is the regular sized package – Michael C. from Eastland Foods sent me this one – thanks! Like I’ve always said, I try to review everything I can get my hands on – this is the regular sized package and not the Jumbo package that’s in the Top Ten list. Some might find this a little silly, but not I! Besides; I love eating this stuff. So with that, let’s try out the non-Jumbo version of Indomie’s Mi Goreng BBQ Chicken!

Here’s the back of the package. If you decide to try some of this kind of noodle, this is your best friend. These aren’t cooked like a noodle soup! These are soupless noodles – you drain the water off from the noodles and then stir the ingredients in to them.

Here’s the noodle block.

The amazing thing about this one is the five different seasoning packets that are involved! Here are the dry ones – the seasoning powder and fried onions.

Here’s the seasoning powder.

Here’s the fried onions. I put them on top of everything at the very end.

Here are the remaining three packets – from left to right – seasoned oil, chili sauce and sweet soy sauce.

Here’s the seasoned oil.

I ran out of the little sake cups I use to show the seasoning in with this one! This is the chili sauce and the thick, sweet soy sauce together.

Finished. While the noodles boiled, I added some stir-fry veggies and some roast beef lunch meat I had scissored up. I also fried an egg in a star-shaped cookie cutter, added a little Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce to each of the star’s points, a little kizami shoga (pickled ginger) in the middle, and gave it a nice dash of Jane’s Krazy Mixed Up Salt. So this stuff is good. The noodles are firm but not overly so and everything coats the noodles with this amazing flavor. I can only describe it as pure awesomeness. This stuff is way up there and my favorites list (honestly, if the pack had a little more, it’d be the Jumbo version and be #2 on my Top Ten list). Amazing. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 089686171907 – get it here.

Indomie Commercial

Indonesian street noodle vender!


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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Indomie, Indonesia

#575: Batchelors Super Noodles Barbecue Beef Flavour

Here we go – I didn’t get to making anything to eat today until around 6pm so I thought this sounded filling. Thanks to Cindy C. from Middlesex, England for donating these!

Here’s the  back on the packaging….


I’m still completely awestruck with the simple genius of putting diffrent reipes on the packets. I could see this being a serious collecting thing over here.


The powder is waiting, the powder is waiting.

I added a couple of fried eggs which I sprinkled some Krazy Mixed Up Salt on. The noodles are pretty good – like cheap instant noodle noodles. The barbecue flavor? Well, it’s good but not overpowering. I see that there are versions of Super Noodles with ‘sauce’ – I wonder if they’re a little stronger… Anyways, this is pretty good stuff. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars! You can try it here.

Kelloggs eh?

Okay a quick pause from Thanksgiving.



Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Batchelors, Beef, England

#463: Ottogi Ppushu Ppushu Barbecue Flavor Instant Snack

Here’s yet another variety of Ottogi’s Ppushu Ppushu super powered smash snack. This one’s barbecue flavor – wonder how this one will be…

Here’s how I prepare this stuff – first off, the smashing…

You end up with a bowl of smashed noodles. Simple!

You also have a single packet of seasoning. This is for sprinkling on the noodles. I used to smash the noodles, put the seasoning in the bag and then shake it up, but my smashing of the noodles causes the bag to explode so I’ve decided to just do it manually.

So sprinkle, sprinkle and we’re done. I find doing it this way allows the stuff to coat more evenly. Anyways yeah not much mental strain here! It’s got an okay barbecue-like flavor and the noodles are crunchy. It’s not bad but I feel like a bad person eating this since I mean hey, this is extreme lazy food. I guess smashing the noodles is a way to exercise? Not sure. 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. Find it here.

Krump! Krump!

Indonesia documentary – thought it’d be interesting


Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Other, Ottogi

#309: Paldo Dosirac Beef Flavor Instant Noodle

So here’s anotherDosirac, this time beef. More of the same?

Same as before on packets – a veggie and a powder.

Waiting for the boiling water and a couple fried eggs which I topped with a couple pinches of Lindberg-Snider Red Baron Barbecue Seasoning – some of my all time flavoring seasoning I might add!

So the same deal as the chicken. The broth does seem to have a little spiciness to it the chicken didn’t, and there seem to be a few more of the little rehydrated chewy meat-like orbs floating around. The Noodles are decent. All around a fun bowl of noodles. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars.

As I’ve said before, I can’t find any Paldo Commercials. So here’s some odd commercials.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult

Re-Review: Indomie Mi Goreng Rasa Ayam Panggang Jumbo Barbecue Chicken Flavour Fried Instant Noodles

So I got a message this morning from a gentleman in Denmark who thought that Indomie’s special fried curly noodles were some of the best stuff he’s ever had. I must agree! Coincidentally, I found a pack of this stuff sitting in the cupboard and thought that the barbecue chicken flavor really could use a re-review. So come on and follow me on a journey into the world of tasty noodles!

Okay – from left to right: powder, veggies, seasoned oil, chili sauce (manas pedas) and sweet soy sauce (kecap manis).

Here’s everything but the veggies sitting in a bowl.

Here are the veggies sitting atop the block awaiting a bath in boiling water.

Added one jumbo fried egg with a soft yolk, some pink pickled ginger (kizami shoga) and some fried shallots. This is absolutely divine. I love giving this stuff 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. It just works so well and tastes so good. I recommend it to everyone everywhere –  especially with the egg! I found a place online to get it but it’s the non-jumbo size packs. They’re here.

Just to remind, I’m giving this 5.0 out of 5.0 – this is one of the best all time noodles I’ve ever tasted. Get it here.

<object style=”height: 390px; width: 640px”><param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/Cai-AQWGvy8?version=3″><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”><param name=”allowScriptAccess” value=”always”></object>

Wow – looks like you can get free recipes if you send a letter for them in Jakarta, Indonesia. Might be worth a try!


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Indomie, Indonesia