Tag Archives: beef flavor

#935: Maruchan Instant Lunch Beef Flavor Ramen Noodles With Vegetables

Instantaneous Lunch? Nope – three minutes. But if you’re too impatient for that, I suppose one could eat it raw. I prefer the cooked version myself!


The information panel from the cardboard outer (click to enlarge).

The iconic cup itself.

So I wrote an article about how one shouldn’t blame the cup when spilling their noodles. Here’s the article and in the image above you can clearly see you’ve been warned – don’t microwave it and watch out for the ninos!

The lid on the cup (click image to enlarge). Notice it tells you to heat water in a seperate container in the microwave – don’t put the whole thing in there.

The noodle block. The seasoning is infused – note the powder on the noodles.

A scant few of the veggies – there were more in the bottom of the cup.

Finished (Click image to enlarge). Added fresh sweet onion, stir-fry veggies, thinly sliced ham, one egg, kizami shoga (pickled ginger), Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. Cooked the noodles as specified, sampled, fried everything in a pan. Added Dua Belibis Indonesian chili sauce at the end. The noodles aren’t bad – about what you would expect from a cup of noodles. I’ve had much better, but I’ve had many that don’t come close to this one’s quality. The beef flavoring is pretty good – tasty. The veggies hydrated well; most notably the corn was good. A nice cup of noodles! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 041789001222 – get it here.

Hunting down a small child with some noodles – works every time!

S recipe involving Maruchan Yakisoba noodles


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Japan, Maruchan, USA

#919: Maruchan 35% Less Sodium Beef Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup

Ah! The elusive 35% less sodium pack! A lot of you have asked about lower sodium instant noodles – here’s one. Each pack has two servings at 510mg sodium each instead of 790mg of sodium (look at the back of the package below for details). Found it recently at Walmart actually. Its funny how many Asian grocery stores I know of and hit up for new noodles to review from time to time, but I still find new items at the biggest grocery store around. I’m hoping to be doing a Meet The Manufacturer with Maruchan sometime soon too! That’s going to be great! Anyways, let’s see how this one is…

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge).

The noodle block.

A single packet of seasoning – classic!

If you’re wondering, yes – it tastes salty. It also has a nice beef taste too.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added a little thin sliced rib eye, sweet onion and stir fry veggies. The noodles are good – plentiful and of a good consistency. The broth is great – I would say it has no negative effects of being a lower sodium broth; it’s good – lots of nice beef flavor and it is decently salty as well. This I like a lot. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars -if you’re looking for something in the lower sodium bracket, I’d start with this one. UPC bar code 041789004124 – get it here!

Here’s a Maruchan commercial in Spanish

Here’s a video using Maruchan products

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Japan, Maruchan, USA

#843: Nissin Top Ramen Short Cuts Beef Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup

Hey look at this! Something new the folks at Nissin Foods USA sent. I’ve never seen anything like this is the instant noodle world before; it’s kind of like instant potatoes meets instant noodles. You scoop out as much or as little of the noodles as you want (which have the flavoring already infused into them), and then add the mentioned water amount, and there you go! Let’s have a look under the hood of this new product.

Here’s the back and the sides of the box. They put a recipe on the back of each box. I really like the font they used on the left panel for Stove Top and Microwave – very 80’s – awesome!

This is it. No, not a seasoning packet! This is where the noodles are! four and a half cups of them.

Here’s what the noodles look like. I’ll tell you first off, they’re tasty uncooked – I need to stop picking at them or I’ll eat the whole box! They’re pre-seasoned as they said and also short.

Finished. Added some red bell pepper, broccoli, onion and roast beef. The noodles are the new ‘spoonable’ type that can be found in the Big Cup Noodles and the Spoon it products. They are more like the ones that come with the Big Cup Noodle in the way that they already are seasoned. They come out nice – in fact, they come out perfect here. More like short egg noodles. The broth is good too – has a good beef flavor. I would say that these are best ‘with something’ – ad some extras to make it a creation kind of thing. By themselves they are good though, and as I always rate noodles without their additions, I will do so again. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars – decent! Should mention that these have their own facebook page here.UPC bar code 070662075012 .

Hey I wanna try that one too!

Japanese music documentary

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Japan, Nissin, USA

#772: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Hot & Spicy Beef Flavor (New Version)

I’m pretty jazzed – got a couple things this last trip to the Asian grocery and going to try one of them today. Here’s another one of the new version Nongshim Bowl Noodle varieties.

Here’s some info on the sides of the cardboard. It’s funny; I just thought it was spicy flavor until I looked closer and saw it was hot & spicy beef.

Here’s the lid.

The noodle block.

The seasoning packet.

Red spicy powder!

Here’s a couple little bits and piece of the veggies that were in the bottom of the bowl – this was just some, not all.

Finished. Added some kimchi, some processed cheese, a little beef lunch meat, some of the Daesang Gochujang that the ladyt who wrote the JoongAng Ilbo article sent, a little Tabasco Buffalo Style hot sauce and a sprinkle of Ajishima Kimchi furikake. Again, my reviews are done right when the noodles are done – not after everything is added. The noodles are nice – a warm and relaxing noodle that is firm but reliably soft enough to not bve annoying. The broth has a great spiciness to it – a little different than I remember before – definitely a chili powder and cumin flavor going on here. The veggies were a little hard to find but what I did find was decent. All in all, not bad. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. As for the additions: I really like kimchi and really wish I had gotten some sooner! It crunchy, spicy and good stuff! I didn’t know that the jars were under pressure; exploding kimchi! The Gochujang was not what I expected; it’s really tasty! I’ve seen these enormous angry red tubs at the Korean supermarkets around here and always wondered what the stuff was. I can say that after I’ve gone through all of the tubes that were sent to me, I’ll be most definitely going to continue enjoying this stuff. UPC bar code 031146250103 – get it here.

Pretty funny – chugging spicy bowl noodles!

This is rad!

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Filed under Beef, Korea, Nong Shim, USA

#660: Lucky Me! Beef na Beef Instant Noodles Artificial Beef Flavor

Beef? Na – beef! I remember a while back I had Chicken na Chicken too – startlingly, it was chicken flavored. Beef sounds nice. Let’s give ‘er a shot…

The back of the pack…

The noodle block is on the small side.

Powder on the left and the ‘garnish’ on the right.

Ready to turn into tasty beef noodle soup!

Voila! I put a little baby bok choy, one fried egg, and a couple sprinkles of Tony Chachere’s Creole seasoning in with the noodle soup. The noodles were nice – they drank up a lot of the soup as they were a small block in two cups of water, but they never got spongy or over engorged. The broth was a star here – salty and with a nice beef marrow-like taste. The garnish? A little weird; the little floaty flavored chewy spheres are always fascinating to me in Filipino instant noodles. It was a decent bowl of soup – really hit the spot. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 4807770190988 . I think this is the same thing.

Here’s a TV commercial for it.

This is really interesting to listen to


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Lucky Me!, Philippines