Tag Archives: block

#558: Long Kow’s Crystal Noodle Soup Vegetables ( and Eggs )

Thought this looked worth trying. Vegetables and noodles. Sure why not.

Here’s the flavoring packet if you want to call it that. It says Vegetables and Eggs though… I am truly unhappy – I didn’t take a picture of this and I’m really bummed and truly sorry. It looked like a brick of freeze-dried vegetable omelet. When I poured boiling water on it, it disintegrated and started fluffing up almost immediately.

Here’s the ingredients and nutrition facts off the side of ther bowl.

Yeah… There it is. Well, it wasn’t what I’d hoped for. What did I hope for? A good bowl of noodles. I was skeptical when I saw they were bean thread. The large amount of mushroom and cabbage and odd hydrated egg was amazing. I think if this were spicy and they’d used fried noodles that I would have liked it much better. Long story short, I’m not pleased. 1.5 out of 5.0 stars. Find it here.

Moth swarm

Way cool clip

Butterfly swarm



Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, China, Long Kow, Vegetable

#316: Unif Super Bowl Instant Noodles Artificial Stewed Pork Chop Flavor

Jeez these things are big enough… I wasn’t able to finish the last one! So here e go with some stewed pork chop! Interesting – don’t those meat cuts on the label look like ribs? I’m just sayin’…

From left to right: soup base powder, seasoned oil, fork, veggies.

A colorful pile of veggies, a powdery pile of base and in between the funk of all funky seasoning oil goo.

Finished product. So the noodles aren’t bad…  The veggies seem a bit more easily found than last time too. The broth is hearty and greasy. Not bad stuff – I think it could be a little better with broad rice noodles. I’m giving it a 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.

This guy’s pretty funny.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, Pork, Unif