Tag Archives: bushi

#369: Bon Go Jang Tofu Udon Dosirak

So this one took a little work – all I knew was it was from Korea. Wasn’t sure of anything much other than that and the brand name. Luckily, those two things brought it all together. I found that this stuff is called Tofu Udon Dosirak and comes from Hanil Food Co. Ltd. in Seoul, Korea under its Bon Go Jang line of products. ‘Dosirak’ translates like ‘Bento’ or ‘Take Out Lunch.’ On their website it describes this as “fresh katsuo bushi soup with tofu udon that you can eat simply by adding hot water.”

Two packets – Soup base and veggies.

There’s the veggies and soup base on the udon.

Poured some boiling water on the noodles and let them sit for five minutes and voila. So the broth is interesting – sweet and salty and kind of tasted a hint fermented. I liked it. The veggies were insanely plentiful, and the noodles were hearty and good. I liked it quite a bit. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars!

Ah Francis – you are a truly amazing dog.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Bon Go Jang, Korea, Other