Tag Archives: champong

#989: GS25 Gonghwachun Jjamppong

This was sent to me by Kristina W. of Arizona – thank you! This one was a toughie to decipher so here’s what I found. GS25 is a chain of conventience stores in South Korea. From what I read on the packaging, this is a product made for them by Paldo. There’s a restaurant in Incheon called Gonghwachun – I think that’s what is being referred to here. Gonghwachun is a famous Chinese restaurant and well known for its Jjajangmyeon. Finally, Jjamppong (also jjambong, champong) is a spicy seafood soup. If I’m wrong, please comment! Anyways, on with the review!

Here’s the back of the packaging (click image to enlarge). From what I see, I’m going with 550mL of water and then cooking the noodles and seasoning powder for 4 minutes. After that, adding the seasoning block and giving a stir.

A nice big brick of noodles.

Powder seasoning.

Spicy flavored seasoning.

A seasoning block!

Seasoning blocks are really cool – they re-hydrate really quickly and have lots of interesting ingredients. This one has a strong fish scent.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added odeng, shrimp, narutomaki, kamaboko and sweet onion. The noodles nice and wide and plentiful. The broth is nice and spicy and has great seafood flavor. This is a real treat – 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8801128506656

About Jjajangmyeon in South Korea.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, GS25, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult, Seafood

New TV Spot For Nongshim’s Shin Ramyun Black Cup With PSY

Unless you’ve been hiding under a proverbial rock for the last couple of months, you have heard the song ‘Gangnam Style‘ by South Korean pop star PSY at one time or another, seen the horse dance, etc. Well, After he sent Nongshim a video asking if he could do a commercial for them, they said yes.

Well today, the commercials have come out – they’re pretty funny. I still want to let it be known that I formally challenge PSY to a ramyun eating contest -maybe Shin Ramyun Black Cup? That’d be awesome! Anyways, here’s some videos to check out of the commercial.

The ‘A’ version of the Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Cup commercial with PSY

The ‘B’ version of the Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Cup commercial with PSY

Here’s the ‘making of’ video.

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Filed under * News, Korea, Nong Shim

Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Champong Ramyun Instant Noodle Soup

This is a re-review – the last time I had this was probably in 2003 – when it was review #21. For some reason, I thought that it (Neoguri as well) had octopus in it. Clearly, that’s a squid holding chopstick and wearing clothing. I should note that these days, I know that’s a squid – and that squids don’t wear clothing. Moving on…

Here’s the back of the package.

The noodle block.

Powder seasoning packet.

Spicy, red and hot!

The veggie and seafood packet.

Says the seafood component involved mussel flakes and fish cake.

Finished. Added some onion, odeng, an egg, some processed cheese, some splashes of Tabasco Buffalo Style hot sauce and a little bit of Ajishima Kimchi Furikake. The noodles are nice and wide – they sucked up the broth very nicely and are slightly chewier than the last few Nongshim varieties I’ve had. The broth is great – very very spicy and has a kind of seafood tomato soup kind of sense to it. Very good! The veggies / fish components aren’t bad – all in all a great pack of noodles! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars! UPC bar code 8801043157759 .

Champong TV commercial.

Another Champong commercial

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Seafood

#516: Wang Champong Spicy Seafood Noodles

Here’s a new one – Wang brand. It’s a fresh noodle big bowl from Korea.

As you can see, big and from Korea.

Clockwise from top: chili powder (I sniffed it – very strong stuff!), liquid soup base, dried seasoning (veggies and dehydrated fishy bits)

Fresh noodles. Nothing to see here really.

Everything sitting in the bowl. The instructions say to fill with hot water to the line and microwave for 3 minutes. Which I did.

I added a couple of scrambled eggs for good measure as I’m hungry. Deep red broth – crimson like blood! It’s really quite striking.

Hot and spicy – check. Broth was kind of thick and very flavorful – a deep fish taste but not really fishy.  The noodles weren’t bad – chewy enough but not too chewy. The veggies and fish bits were great. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.

Gordon Ramsay attempting to make handmade noodles.

Candido Camero (bongos)



Filed under * Price $3.01 - $4.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Seafood, Wang

#332: Nong Shim Champong Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup (Cup)

So it’s time for some spiciness! Champong! Bring it!

Was a little surprised to see this one has over 2200mg sodium! It’s just a cup for cryin’ out loud!

Good amount of powder in this sucker explains it.

Look at all that garnish! Wow – super awesome. I’m excited and amped for it now.

Well here we are. Broth is seafoody and spicy, noodles were good and there was a lot of veggies and seafoodyness! I really was impressed – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars!


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Seafood