Tag Archives: chinese chow mein

#577: Pot Noodle Chinese Chow Mein Flavour

Here we go with some more fine British fare that was donated by Cindy C. from England!
I think if this stuff was sold over here it would do really well!!!

Ingredients and directions. Notice you don’t cover the little pot.

A packet of soy sauce – the last one I reviewed had a little packet of mango chutney!

Hey look at all that powder! Mostly it’s wheat flour – that’s where the thick sauciness comes from.

Finished Let’s get down to it: noodles – broad and of decent stature. The broth is more of a sauce and isn’t extremely salty or anything; as far as being of  Chinese chow mein flavor – not so much. The soy sauce helped immensely. Finally, the veggies were mushy, but I think that’s the point. Not bad, not great – 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here!

Funny series of commercials!

They need this at the US grocery stores!

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, England, Other, Pot Noodle

#555: Batchelor’s Super Noodles Chinese Chow Mein Flavour

Hey! Some more noodles I got from Cindy C. of Middlesex, UK! Thanks again! So this one’s Chinese Chow Mein. It’s also promising the possibility of currency inside the packet!

Another tip! I really dig this a lot.

Notice on these directions they don’t refer to it as a stovetgop but as ‘on the hob.’ Can someone post a comment if they know about this term?

A mound of powder. I must admit it sure has a funky odor; although it’s somewhat familiar…

The finished product. I figured out what this flavor is – I even have a story. When I was much younger, I would go out and party up a bit and return home late. I’d quietly climb the stairs to the kitchen so I wouldn’t wake anyone up and sequester myself in there, attempting to find a midnight snack. More than once I would take a can of Campbell’s soup – often Vegetable, and a pack of Top Ramen and make it together, then bring it back downstairs and ingest it. Well, that’s what this stuff reminds me of. Unfortunately, it wasn’t all that great then and it isn’t all that great now, except it reminded me of old times, which in itself was nice, but can’t be part of the score really. So this one is going to rate at 2.75 out of 5.0 stars.

A couple of commercials…


Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Batchelors, England, Other