Tag Archives: corporation

#908: Sapporo Ichiban Oriental Noodle Soup Original Flavor Cup

Yet another one I am very surprised I haven’t reviewed in the past. Curious to see how this one fares.

Details from the back of the cardboard outer (click to enlarge). Look at that – it recommends using the microwave – I’ve not seen this before on the instructions for a cup noodle!

Here’s the cup itself.

Again notice the mention of microwaving the foam cup – what a trip!

Here’s the noodle block.

The soup base packet.

Here’s the powder itself.

Wow – a lot of veggies in this one – plenty of corn and little green bits!

Finished (click to enlarge). Added a hard boiled egg, baked chicken and some Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles are decent – nice texture and good amount. The broth has a soy sauce taste and some hints of miso. The veggies are quite good – I’m impressed with not only the quantity but the quality. Corn is usually one that doesn’t want to re-hydrate very well and these do quite nicely. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 076186700010 – get it here.

A Sapporo Ichiban TV advertisement

Some Japanese TV commercials

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Other, Sapporo Ichiban, USA

#682: Indomie Instant Cup Noodles Mi Goreng Satay

Michael Chen over at Eastland Food Corporation sent me this a little while ago along with some other great samples! Thanks! Never have I seen this before, have you?

The top…

Here’s the side!

Seaoned oil, sweet soy sauce and fried onions. What you’d expect in Indomie’s satay packs.

Dry seasoning and chili powder.

A folding fork? Awesome!


Unfurled fork!

After you steep the noodles, you uncover and drain with the lid. Then dump all the seasonings in and stir.

Finished. My thoughts: the noodles come out fantastic, but the packets are tough to open and add and stir. I spilled the noodles a couple times here and there. The noodles and seasoning are amazingly good as their regular satay pack is and just slightly different too as the noodles are steeped. Excellent flavor, just a little tough for me to make work. I think others probably would have less trouble with it. I’m giving this a 4.25 out of 5.0! UPC barcode 089686180688 .

Indomie Lebaran commercial

Awesome video narrated by Carl Sagan – first in a series I’ll do on here. Thanks taintedbloop!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Indomie, Indonesia, Other

A Kind Donation From The Eastland Food Corporation

Rode the bus home from work. I’ve had a hacking cough lately and was eager to get home. Got off the bus and was hoofing it up the street tgo my apartment when I thought I ought to see if there’s a package at the office. Well, there was.

I got an email last week from a guy named Michael Chen at Eastland Food Corporation.  He mentioned that they were going to be the sole distributor for Indomie on the east coast and would like to send some samples of some noodles. He asked what I would like to review-  he mentioned cups – that really caught my attention. I also asked if they had any marketing/promo stuff as well.

I gave him a call and we chatted about instant noodles for a while.He sent some cards, a couple nice calendars, and a letter:

I think I can do that and quite happily! I think I’ll put a poll in with some of the reviews I do of these; couldn’t hurt. Would be nice to see some info on how people like them too!@

He sent some marketing stuff!
Never seen any of these kind of things…

Mi Gorenbg cups and Mi Goreng Satay cups – oh wow this is awesome – never have I seen these before! Can’t wait to try ’em!

An array of Indomie varieties to re-review!

Wow – thanks to Michael Chen for a nice box of noodle stuff – I (and everyone else) will enjoy reviewing these!


Filed under * News, Indomie, Indonesia

#587: Sunlight Steam Vermicelli

The last time I had a bag of instant noodles like this I had a horrible experience; a ball of glued together, sticky, nasty funk. This time I’m a little more experienced and wiser and going to try a different method of attack.

Here’s the back. The only thing I can really understand here is 1800cc of water. That’s a lot! I’m going to take the noodles and break them into thirds and use around 500cc of water.

Dry seasoning and veggies on the left, cayenne powder in the middle and potato starch on the right. I used half the veggie pack, half the cayenne and none of the starch – that got me into the gloppy mess last time.

Interesting stuff. The noodles aren’t my favorite, but they’re growing on me a little. What I did like about this was the broth. It had a very nice smoky, spicy and slightly fishlike flavor which I really liked. Still, the flavor does have an off-putting aftertaste which I found somewhat chemically and the noodles are really dry once you get your chew on. So I dunno. I’m giving it 2.1 out of 5.0 stars.

Taiwanese film “Crazy Racer”

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, Other, Sunlight, Taiwan

#347: Sunny Maid Mi Chay Vegetarian Ramen

So this has been one I’ve been curious about for a while. It’s lurked in my ramen box, quietly asking me to try it from time to time. I heeded its call, and tonight gave it the trappings of a fine bowl of noodles.

The shiny packet contained vegetables and seasoning powder. After adding the spices, I tend to give the inside of the powder packet a quick lick to get a taste. Well, I wasn’t too enthused. This was nasty. Like socks.

Vegetables on the left and seasoning oil on the right. You can see the powder intermingled with the veggies.

So on this one I added two fried eggs, a small baked chicken breast, Huy Fong Sriracha hot sauce, kizami shoga pickled ginger and fried shallots. A pinch of ‘Krazy Mixed Up Salt‘ atop the eggs.

SoI sampled the noodles and broth before the additions. It wasn’t my favorite whatsoever. The noodles were fine but the flavors were horrible. Almost a hint of dirt I would say. Just not my style whatsoever… 1.75 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

So here’s a guy making ramen and then adding vegetables.


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Filed under * Stars 1.1-2.0, Sunny Maid, Taiwan, Vegetable