Tag Archives: cream

#722: Yamamoto Seafood Flavor Ramen

Some Japanese stuff that’s been waiting for just the right day – and this is it. I may have not translated the title exactly right – a few things mentioned ‘thickening’ and ‘flour,’ so this may be thick seafood ramen.  Anyways, shall we?

Here’s what the distributor’s sticker looks like…

The noodle block awaits some boiling water!

A single seasoning packet – pretty big though!

Here’s the seasoning powder. Very light and a good amount of it.

Finished. Added some stir-fry veggies, narutomaki, Ajishima Kim Chi furikake and some Sushinori. The noodles are good – a little thinner than most in a bowl and just slightly firmer. The broth is nice – salty and has a bit of that ‘of the sea’ flavor going on.  I liked it – good stuff! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 4979397770024 .

Japanese seafood market

Eskimo Disco 7-111 featuring Pingu

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Seafood, Yamamoto

Superbowl 2012 Food: Spicy Ramen Nachos

Yes it’s true. It’s the Tat Hui Koka Tomato flavor ramen with guacamole and sour cream and Texas Pete hot sauce. Eat this and your team will win.


Filed under * News, Other, Singapore, Tat Hui

#158: Mama Instant Porridge Soup Artificial Pork Flavour JokCup

Pork porridge. Let me refine that – ARTIFICIAL pork porridge. Those three words have been kind of interesting to say while this little cup has been kicking it around here. But no more. Artificial pork porridge is lunch.

I like the little graphic of the pig happy as can be  that he isn’t in this cup of porridge. He’s probably also relieved that most people don’t go into a restaurant and request as to the special of the day and hear ‘pork porridge.’

So here’s the end result. It came with a plastic spoon but it wasn’t my style. So you’re probably wondering what the heck pork porridge – that is artifical pork porridge – tastes like? Well, imagine Cream of Wheat but salty and with bits of onions in there and you’ve pretty much nailed it. It’s surprisingly good to be honest. So even though this wasn’t noodles, it was an instant affair in a cup. I see for it to be treated the same. I give this stuff 2.5 out of 5.0 stars; it was good but I couldn’t really see ever getting it other than for novelty and it really doesn’t give any feeling of satiation after eating it; more of a ‘wow that was full of sodium’ kind of feeling and 1170mg is a lot but much lower than most things of this nature.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Ma Ma, Pork, Thailand

#87: Wai Wai Tom Yum Shrimp Cream Soup Flavour Instant Noodles

So here we go with some Wai Wai. This stuff is made in Thailand and the noodles can be eaten straight out of the bag like a bag of chips. This was a much smaller package than usually seen here on ramenrater.com. In fact, the directions call for a mere 1 1/3 cups of water [320cc] instead of the usual 2 to 2 1/2 cups.

These aren’t small packets and I was really surprised to see such large packets in a small package of instant noodles.

First is a pile of white salt consistency powder, then the contents of the green packet then the liquid packet.

So here’s the final product. Not a lot of food here and quickly ingested. 1710mg of sodium though for  one to ponder though.

Then there’s all this grease! As for a review… The noodles were very light and thin – I liked them. The were reminiscent of the Unif / Tung-I variety. As for the broth, wow. Very flavorful. There was an extermely strong citrus element and I’m going to guess tha’s from the white powder packet. The crazy amount of grease was a little hard to take… The spicyness was very nice and overall rounded things out. I liked the flavor of the broth. On a scale of 1 to 5 stars, I’ll give this one a 2.75. It was tasty but I feel a little nauseated by the grease and anticipate a run to the bathroom soon. This isn’t any diss on the freshness of the product by the way or its ingredients being of poor quality. It simply was a lot in a small package.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Seafood, Thailand, Wai Wai