Tag Archives: cua

#855: Vina Acecook Bestcook Instant Noodles Hot & Sour With Shrimp Flavour

Here’s a new one – sounds good to me – kind of funny having two instants that are ‘hot and sour’ flavored in a row…

The label around the side! Click to enlarge!

Hey – a new fork!

The noodle block.

Powder seasoning.

Slightly granular in nature.

There are two liquid packets.

Dark and thick.

This is a seasoned oil.

Looks interesting…

The veggie and seafood packet.

I must say – I’m quite impressed with the variety here.

Finished. Added some bell pepper, onion, broccoli, odeng (Korean fish cake), hard boiled egg with Tony Chachere’s Creole Seasoning and a few squirts of Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce. The noodles are thin, tasty and buttery – exceptional. The broth has a nice spicy, sour and tasty flavor. The vegetable/seafood mixture wasn’t bad; I would say it adds more to the broth than as something that stands out on its own. This was really quite good – 4.25 out of 5.0 stars – I’m impressed.  UPC bar code 8934563501167 .

A Vina Acecook promo video.

My lady also finds this to be very amusing as do I

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Seafood, Vietnam, Vina Acecook / Acecook

#583: Vifon Phu Gia Mien Cua Crab Flavor Instant Bean Thread

Crab flavoed bean thread from Vifon eh? Sure why not.

Back of the package…

Three packets! This should be really good compared to the last four I’ve reviewed today!

Here’s everything in the bowl. Then I read like the Baijia sweet potato thread, this stuff steeps in the bowl so the bean thread went on top and then 400mL of boiling wawa.

Here we are. I forgot it was bean thread. I had such high hopes. Well, if you like bean thread, you’ll be in gelatinous hard-to-eat noodle heaven. But if you’re like me, you’ll be disappointed. It’s like torture for me with this one because the broth and veggies are both extremely good – a very nice crab flavor and the little swirly bits floating around. But, the noodles MUST be palatable for any of these to work in my opinion and bean thread here is just too tough to swallow. 2.25 out of 5.0 stars.

Looks like an interesting documentary…



Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Seafood, Vi Fon, Vietnam

#427: Koka Mi Hai Cua 2 Crab Flavour Oriental Style Instant Noodles

Look at the angry little crabs! They’re saying ‘eat the noodle soup!’ I’m agreeing with them and thusly, I portend to make said soup and have it for breakfast.

So here’s something I’ve not seen before – I don’t know if this is how it usually comes or an error, but pretty neat either way. Three packets of chili! Heck yeah! I used one and now have two for later use! Score!

Some seasoned oil, a powdered seasoning and a packet’s worth of chili powder.

Dropped two eggs in with the boiling noodles. This is an amazing dish and I loved it. The noodles are perfect for instant noodles. The broth was a little creamy-ish, crabby and seafoody and the chili powder gave it a nice little spark. The eggs tied it all together – oh man this was good stuff! Going 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – yes I really liked this one!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Koka, Seafood, Singapore, Tat Hui