Tag Archives: dry ramen noodles

#832: Dragonfly Mee-Goreng Dry Ramen Noodles

Found this the other day at KS Mart in Lynnwood (that’s where I git my kimchi!). This is from China – never had a Chinese made mee-goreng before! Usually I like the Dragonfly stuff though. Let’s give this a go!

Back of the package.

This is a big noodle block for mee-goreng! Rad!

The dry seasonings.

Kind of a sweet and garlic-onion taste.

Liquid packet.

Looks like seasoned oil and maybe some sweet soy sauce in there.

Finished. Added some veggies, some roast beef I sauteed with garlic, a fried egg with some Krazy Mixed Up Salt and some Dua Belibis hot chili sauce. The noodles are thin and very springy. The flsavor is interesting – not like Indomie Mie Goreng – it’s got a strong anise taste and is kind of sweet, but has no spiciness at all. Interesting stuff – a lot of it, too. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 721557450253 .

Shanghai in 1973 – this is awesome!

Stevie Winwood – Shanghai Noodle Factory

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, Dragonfly Brand, Other, Pork