Tag Archives: duck flavour

#563: Yum Yum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Duck Flavour

We reach the last of the instant noodles sent by Michael V.N. from Holland with Yum Yum Duck flavor. Thanks again Michael – these have all been a real myriad of different flavors and brands I’ve never seen here before.

Here’s the back of the package.

From left to right, chili powder, powder seasoning and seasoned oil.

Here’s the seasoning waiting for the noodles!

I added a couple eggs I scrambled in the pan with a couple shakes of Cavender’s Greek Seasoning. So these noodles are decent. The flavor is different; spicy and a little hot and has a slight sweetness. I like it! 3.25 out of 5.0 stars.

Noodles that make you feel like you’ve been shot out of a cannon? Crazy…

The first in a series of random Thanksgiving home movies people have posted on YouTube. No idea who these people are…





Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Other, Thailand, Yum Yum