Tag Archives: flour

Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Sakurai Foods 100% Vegetarian Miso Flavor

Today is the last of the Sakurai Foods Meet The Manufacturer. I have enjoyed trying such a great range of products from Japan! We finish with the one that made this Meet The Manufacturer happen. I email lots of instant noodle manufacturers, trying to get Meet The Manufacturer interviews to happen. I hadn’t contacted Sakurai Foods before and gave it a shot. Here’s my re-review of their miso vegetarian flavor.

Back of the packaging (click image to enlarge).

The noodle block.

Powder seasoning.

The powder has a nice taste – miso and an almost buttery component.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added onion, green onion, sweet corn, kizami shoga (pickled ginger and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are good – soft and plentiful. The broth has a nice heartiness while light at the same time. Not an overwhelming flavor but delicate and balanced. Very good! 4.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 4960813312959.

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Japan, Other, Sakurai Foods

#722: Yamamoto Seafood Flavor Ramen

Some Japanese stuff that’s been waiting for just the right day – and this is it. I may have not translated the title exactly right – a few things mentioned ‘thickening’ and ‘flour,’ so this may be thick seafood ramen.  Anyways, shall we?

Here’s what the distributor’s sticker looks like…

The noodle block awaits some boiling water!

A single seasoning packet – pretty big though!

Here’s the seasoning powder. Very light and a good amount of it.

Finished. Added some stir-fry veggies, narutomaki, Ajishima Kim Chi furikake and some Sushinori. The noodles are good – a little thinner than most in a bowl and just slightly firmer. The broth is nice – salty and has a bit of that ‘of the sea’ flavor going on.  I liked it – good stuff! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 4979397770024 .

Japanese seafood market

Eskimo Disco 7-111 featuring Pingu

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Seafood, Yamamoto

#646: Yamamoto Shoyu Flavor Ramen

Today seemed like a good day for as fancy Japanese bowl of noodles.

Here’s what was on the bottom of the bowl…

Here’s what was on the side of the bowl! Click to enlarge – like all images!

One single packet – I somehow expected multiple packets.

A lot of interesting stuff in the packet.

I thought it’d be good in a regular bowl. I added two fried eggs, some Tony Chachere’s Creole seasoning, some Kizami Shoga (pickled ginger), some fried shallot and a little ham. Wow – this is good stuff! Shoyu is soy sauce, by the way. The noodles are pretty decent. The broth is nice and tasty – lots of flavor. The veggies were very ample and enjoyable. I loved it! 4.25 out of 5.0 stars! UPC barcode 4979397770017 .

How to make shoyu ramen

I don’t like anything to be floating around me in the tub.

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Japan, Other, Yamamoto

#618: Pulmuone Cold Noodle By Dad

Happy New Year! Let’s start things off a little different with some cold noodles – or should I say cold noodle Regardless, in trhe past I haven’t been a great fan of cold noodles, but hey, new year, new noodle. Let’s give it a try.

The package back. Notice the zero fat in this one. Almost 3 grams of sodium though – 114% of RDA! Wow, starting things off with a massive coronary here. Don’t think I’ll eat all of this one.

So inside is a tray which contains four packets. First, here’s the packet of noodles. These are fresh and have wheat, buckwheat, black rice and acorn flour in them! Surprisingly, no fiber in this pack of noodles; acorn flour just sounds a little skritchy.

Now we have the flavorings. Top left is the spicy sauce and lower left is the cold noodle broth. To the right is the veggie packet.

Finished. The noodles themselves aren’t bad. The broth has an interesting flavor. The thing I didn’t think I’d like was that it was served cold. I tried it warm and it wasn’t bad and then let it get cold and still, not too bad. The flavor and texture altogether isn’t really my cup of tea. I think I’ll have something else for breakfast. Gotta give this one a 2.75 out of 5.0 – unique and interesting but just not that wonderful.

Pulmuone ad.

1983: KISS takes off their makeup on MTV. Anticlimactic.

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Korea, Pulmuone, Vegetable

#607: Pot Noodle Beef & Tomato Flavour

Here we go with another Pot Noodle sent by Cindy C. of England. Beef and tomato eh? Well, I’m very curious as to how this one will fare.

Here’s some shots of the panels on the side. I thought it was interesting that on the bottom it says the values are based on “GDAs for women” – I wonder why. Sounds like the UK has a more specific food guide pyramid perhaps?

Here’s the underside of the lid. I like how it says ‘in store now’ instead of ‘in stores now.’

Wow look at that mound of wheat flour! Thick soupy saucelike broth coming up!

Came with a packet of tomato sauce – here are both sides.

Vile. Vile and funky. The noodles are flat and broad – a lot like the Indomie Special Curly kind, except they’re nowhere near the quality. The broth is very weird; the tomato sauce doesn’t help either. Kind of like if you took a half cup of already made Hamburder Helper, added extra water and a smallish squirt of ketchup and decreased the flavor by 60%. Yuck. 1.5 out of 5.0 stars!

Pot Noodle advert.

Now if it just ran Android and you could make phone calls with it too.

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Filed under * Stars 1.1-2.0, Beef, England, Pot Noodle