Tag Archives: fresh

#424: Q Ai Men Tsu Noodle With Sesame Sauce (Luxe Enterprises Ltd)

So my lady decided these looked good to her and woul dlike them for lunch today. They’re fresh ones from Taiwan – I’ll snag a bite and give em my opinion here.

Okay I’m sure that’s sesame on the right – what’s that on the left?

Whatever that thick stuff is, there’s sure a lot of it. She looked at the thick brown paste with a bit of fear as to what it was…

So you boil the noodles, drain them, then mix it up in the bowl. So she did not like it! The paste? Peanut butter based and she doesn’t like peanut butter whatsoever. So I get to not only review it but eat the whole bowl! So it’s thick and very pasty and surprisingly, a little bland. I did like it though and think it’d be nice with a little meat and veggies. Also I would like to note that it was slightly reminiscent of pad thai – slightly. I’m going to give it a 3.25 out of 5.0 stars.


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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Ltd, Other, Q, Taiwan

#418: iNoodle Udon Noodle Soup Oriental Style Flavor

So here’s something new from the fresh noodle section. Never heard of this brand before and looks interesting.

Two packets – Looks like a paste and some veggies.

The finished product. This one called for an egg to be dropped in with the cooking noodles! I like that. So the broth is pretty good – light and flavorful. The veggies are very complimentary. The udon itself is your standard good fresh stuff. I liked it – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars.


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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, iNoodle, Other, Taiwan

#206: Bon Go Jang Deuchi Udon Fresh Japanese Style Udon

Some more fresh noodles! Kit picked this one for me to try today. Really excited to see how this is!

So the noodles, veggies and liquid soup base.

Before water is added. Adding water and six minutes in the microwave later…

So here we are. Apparently, wasn’t supposed to put the veggies in so kinda screwed up there… But let’s see… The noodles are pretty standard as far as these fresh udon bowls are concerned. The veggies are plentiful and the broth is quite good – a little sweet. I’m going to give this one a 3.0 out of 5.0 stars – it’s pretty good but not uber wow.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Bon Go Jang, Korea, Seafood

#168: JFC Japanese Style Noodle Fresh Udon

Huge noodle bowl! Fresh noodles!

Okay so this is the second one of these I’ve ever had! They are a bit spendier than the regular ones – usually they’re between $2 and $4…

But then again its a completely different experience. This is udon and it’s some thick noodle. Bout the gauge of a crayon! Then you get veggies and some liquid soup base. Very different from a package of ramen.

Here’s everything ready to have some water put on and microwaved. You add hot tap water up to the line then microwave for 3 minutes.


BAM! Check that crazy action out! This one is really tasty! A little acidic, a little sweet. The noodles are tasty too. A lot of vdggies and they’re interesting. I think there’s some cabbage going on and neat little spirally things  like in the bottom area of the above photo. So I liked it – giving 3.75 out of 5.0 stars – trippy stuff and a good breakfast.


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, JFC, Korea, Seafood