Tag Archives: fried egg

#729: Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie Mi Instan Mi Goreng Jumbo

This is the stuff of legend – probably Indomie’s most well-known product and extremely popular the world over. Mi Goreng means fried noodles. This is awesome stuff! I’m going to have it with egg, beef, veggies AND cheese . Here’s a part of the interview I did with Indomie:

INDOMIE> Indonesians love to abbreviate, and one of the most well known is INTERNET, which is the abbreviation of Indomie-TeluR-korNET (Indomie with Fried Egg and Corned Beef)
There are variations such as INTERJUNET which is Indomie-TeluR-KeJU-korNET (Indomie with Fried Egg, Cheese and Corned Beef) and INTERSAY which is  Indomie-TeluR-SAYur (Indomie with Fried Egg and Vegetables).

So with everything together, am I having INTERSAYJUNET? Whatever the abbreviation, let’s check it out! By the way, here’s the full interview.

The packaging tore whilst opening but I think you get the idea. This is one that you have to drain.

The noodle block was broken a little – here’s the big chunk!

Here’s the pair of dry seasonings: first, fried onion on the left then powder seasoning on the right.

You sprinkle this on the finished noodles at the end. It’s a great addition of crunchiness and flavor.

The powdered seasoning packet’s content.

Now the wet stuff. From left to right: seasoned oil, spicy chili sauce and finally sweet soy sauce.

Here’s the seasoned oil.

Here are the chili sauce and sweet soy sauce.

Finished! I added a fried egg with a little Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce and a little Krazy Mixed Up Salt, a little kizami shoga (pickled ginger), a little shredded cheese, some beef I scissored up, lime  and some of the veggie mix from Country Farms my wife kindly diced up for me! Well as I said, this stuff is wonderful. There’s a reason it’s popular – it tastes good! The noodles have a nice sweet and spicy taste and everything else compliments it so nicely! Ahhhh I can’t recommend this more! Excellent! 5.0 out of 5.0 stars! UPC bar code 089686041705 – you can’t get the jumbo in the US but you can get the regular size pack here.

Here’s a nice Indomie commercial.

Mi Goreng (fried noodles) made by a street vendor in Indonesia


Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Indomie, Indonesia, Other

#662: Daikoku Shokuh Kitsune Udon

Here’s another Japanese bowl I got at Uwajimaya. The one yesterday was so good, I thought a kitsune udon bowl would be nice today.

Here’s the little sticker on the bottom of the bowl.

One single seasoning packet – pretty common with the Japanese bowls I’ve tried as of late.

Here’s everything awaiting the water. Fried tofu!!!

Finished. I added a fried egg with a dash or two of pepper, some kizami shoga (pickled ginger), some Ajishima Kimchi Furikake, some fried shallot and a little bok choy and sushinori (seaweed). The noodle were broad and full of flavor from the broth. Not very chewy but not soggy or spongy. The broth is sweet and salty and quite enjoyable. The udon is nice and sweet as well and delicious. Everything is quite nice here. 4.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPc barcode 4904511604046 .

Here’s a Cooking With Dog where they make Omurice. Omurice is well known amnong ramen junkies as it appears notably in the film Tampopo.

Here’s the scene from Tampopo.

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Daikoku, Japan, Other

#661: Yamamoto Ponpoko Tempura Soba

Hey it’s tempura time with the ponpoko! I think if you don’t know about Ponpoko or Tanuku, you should check out this review before reading any further. I’m curious how this soba will be – direct from Japan!

So when I bought the Japanese bowls I’ve been reviewing lately, I went and used the UPC codes on them to identify them – they had literally no English and the label on the bottom was very light on the details. I decided to write on the bottom of a couple the names of them. Well, here’s one of them and with a little Photoshop magic, it’s at least somewhat readable!

One single packet of seasoning!

Here’s the seasoning atop the noodle block – buckwheat noodles!

Here’s the tempura disc – should be good! Haven’t had bad tempura yet.

Here’s the finished product! I added one fried egg with a dash of pepper, a little kizami shoga (pickled ginger), a little sliced turkey breast and some sushi nori (seaweed). First off, the noodles are wonderful – they are of a very nice quality and very tasty. The broth is equally if not more enjoyable with a slightly sweet taste that is uber slurpable. The tempura adds a tasty crunch to everything! All said and done, this was very nice to eat – I loved it. 4.25 out of 5.0 stars – worth finding! 4979397370026 .

This is awesome – didn’t expect to find a local video about this, but this is close to where I grew up!

The Y3K kit from 12 years ago…


Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Japan, Other, Yamamoto

#499: Dragonfly Artificial Beef Flavor Instant Noodles

I was quite happy to see a few new big bowl style instant noodles when I was at an Asian grocery the other day, especially Dragonfly brand – I think I’ve only reviewed a single solitary Dragonfly instant noodle thus far. Now I think there’s at least four or five to do! Well, let’s start with this one. Beefalicious? Let’s hope so – I mean it IS the review before the big psychological number 500!

Alrighty here we go! First, a nice new fork – it’s in the Included Forks report – the 9/7/2011 update. As for the seasoning sachets, from left to right we have liquid sauce, veggies and finally the dry powder seasoning.

Doesn’t look all that exciting here – the liquid smells kind of nice…

Added one fried egg. Well, I’m extremely pleased with this one! The first bite had some unexpected spiciness – strange spiciness! All I can say is that it was a slightly hot flavor with hints of beef and an almost bacon like finish. The broth was very nice – had just enough oil from the liquid packet to be very reminiscent of a beef broth. The veggies were amazing – carrot and cabbage notes made everything very well balanced. I was sad that the meal had to end. I highly recommend it and happily give it 4.75 out of 5.0 stars.

Well, I found Dragonfly Brand mentioned in this instructional video…

A few months ago when I was on Anacortes’ KWLE 1340AM ‘The Whale!’


Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Beef, China, Dragonfly Brand

#152: Wu-Mu Steamed Noodle Garlic and Sesame Oil Flavor

So I was giong to 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds to get some 33 cent green onions but also got some of these noodles on sale for 99 cents. Good deal!

Three packets – vegetables, oil and sauce.

The veggies cooked in a pot with the noodles. I had some fun with the oil and sauce heh heh heh!

So here’s the deal on this one. It is very very light flavored. The garlic and sesame oil are by no means heavy In fact, I took a bite of this stuff and found it to be so light that it required some additional ingredients. So a fried egg, green onion, kizami shoga, fried shallot and a splash of soy sauce came into play.

So this is a tough review. I found the veggie and noodles themselves to be superb – very good noodles and ample veggies. The flavor was so light though. It’s strength is that it so easily lent itself as a springboard to other ingredients; they all intermingled together so well together; green onion and sesame and egg and garlic. It was a very delicious and surprisingly light tasting meal. These noodles require some extras and I have decided to rate them upon that requirement. This was some awesome stuff. 4.5 out of 5.0 stars. Blam and wow.

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Other, Sing-Lin Foods Corporation, Taiwan, Wu-Mu