Tag Archives: funky

#741: Wei Lih Good Good Eat Super Ramen Vegetable Flavor

Here’s another one from Michelle L. of Tarrytown, New York. I think this is the third and final flavor of the Good Good Eats – at least insofar as I’ve not seen any more anywhere. Let’s give it a try!

Here’s the back of the packaging. Gotta love the lack of instructions! I’m going to go with 400cc of boiling water.

The noodle block.

Powdered seaoning.

Looks kinda sparkly!

Paste soup base.

Yep – this is a thick soup paste!

Finished. Added a little bit of my veggie mix and a little Fresno pepper, some pickled ginger and some Ajishima Kimchi furikake. The noodles came out wonderfully – a nice level of firmness and the paste had oil in it which made them a little greasy but enjoyably so. The broth and all around flavor wasn’t the best. It has a kind of wilted vegetable flavor – like mushroom and mushy celery. Kind of surprised me while looking at the ingredients. This is a weird one; love the noodles, really dislike the flavor. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 074410727895 .

I really want to learn how to do this some day!

Taiwanese Pop music compilation from 1979 to 1990


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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Taiwan, Vegetable, Wei Lih

#643: Wei Chuan Instant Noodle Soup Miso Vegetables Flavor

Here’s another pack from Michelle L. of New York – thanks! The last Wei Chuan I tried was tomato flavor and quite good – let’s see how this one is.

I cooked them according to the instant directions (steeping)

Powdered seasoning and veggies on the left and seasoned oil on the right.

Just add 450mL boiling water and cover for a few…

Finished. Added a fried egg with a little pepper and Cavender’s Greek seasoning. The noodles are nice – abundant and fluffy – almost a slight butteriness to them. The veggies are great. The broth was a little interesting; the miso was a little funny tasting but was okay. Not my favorite but not bad ast all. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 072869241313 .

How to make Scotch Eggs

How to get an egg into a bottle


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Taiwan, Vegetable, Wei Chuan

#631: Fashion Food XO Sauce Flavour Instant Noodles

Here’s another one that’s been needing a quick review. This was purchased in July of last year in California!

Some side panel stuff – was really hard to get pics of this one.

Open it up and all this stuff inside!@ Included fork!!!

A couple of packets…

Ready for boiling water…

The noodles are lackluster and boring, sad to say. The broth was just funky; like they wanted it to go a certain way but it just wouldn’t cooperate so they ingredient guy said screw it, threw up his hands and said “XO flavor.” Hmm…  1.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 8850412371876 .

Completely unrelated noodle advert.

Very weird – apparently ‘fashion food’ is popular…

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, Fashion Food, Seafood, Thailand

#593: Nong Shim Chapagetti Chajang Noodle

Chapagetti? Let’s see what this is… This was donated by Greg B. of Florida! Thanks!

Here’s the back of the package. As you can see, you drain the liquid off and give it a stir with the base and oil at the end. Check out the ingredients – interesting stuff!

Standard Nong Shim veggie pack.

After the liquid’s drained, you stir this in…

Whoa look at that scary pile of noodles! I didn’t add anything to it although it mentioned that I could add my favorite vegetables if I like. So the noodles themselves weren’t bad – chewy and thick. The flavoring was a trip – not very strong but kind of an amalgam of a lot of strange ingredients. Like a vegetable gravy in a way. The veggie were great too. Not my favorite but definitely something unique. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars! Find it here.

Chapagetti Commercial!

If you participated in any of this ridiculous bullshit, you are a moron. I’m sure no Ramen Rater blog followers would do this kind of stuff for a 4GB thumb drive.



Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Other

#580 Baijia Original Hot & Sour Flavor Casserole Stewed Rice Noodle

Baijia with rice noodles eh? Sounds different – hope it’s better than all the others I’ve tried!

Four packets – going clockwise from top left: veggie-thingies, very dark liquid, powder seasoning, slightly less dark liquid.

Here’s the back of the package.

Here’s everything atop the rice thread. When I initially opened the package, I got a whiff – a horrible smelling whiff. A kind of vinegar scent.

Okay, let’s try this. Oh wow – alright so the noodles are better than the noodles I’ve had in all of the other Baijia products. But then there’s the taste. Hot and sour doesn’t even begin to describe. The broth is greasier than can be tolerated and the flavor is like a chemically-inducedf spicy with vinegar and I don’t know what. This is wretched and I couldn’t eat more than one bite. Easily one of the worst instant noodles I’ve had in my life. 0 out of 5 stars. That a big round one.

Here’s another free movie from Youtube – ‘Robinson Crusoe on Mars!’


Filed under * Stars 0-1.0, Baijia, China, Other