Tag Archives: genie

#838: Sarimi Soto Koya Gurih

Here’s another one from Meilina K. of Jakarta, Indonesia – thanks again! This is another Indonesian noodle soup – not a dry noodle. Let’s give it a try! By the way – ‘Baru’ means new.

Here’s the back of the package.

The noodle block.

Dry powder seasoning and chili powder.

The dry seasoning with chili powder atop.

Seasoned oil.

Has a nice lime scent.

This is a powdery garnish that goes on top.

So upon some researching, I found that serbuk koya means Koya powder. According to Selby’s Food Corner, “Koya powder is made from prawn crackers, fried garlic and dried shrimp.” They mention sprinkling it on top of a dish at that link, so I am assuming that it is to be sprinkled on top as a garnish.

Finished. Added red bell pepper, broccoli, a fried egg with a little Krazy Mixed Up Salt, some roast beef and some Dua Belibis chili sauce. Decent noodles – not soggy, spongy or tough. The broth was nice – a good hit of lime flavor and spices. The koya on top adds an interesting extra flavor. Great stuff – 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 089686917260 .

Commercial for Sarimi Soto Koya Gurih.

Documentary about travel to orphanages in Indonesia.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Indonesia, Other, Sarimi

#785: Sarimi Isi 2 Rasa Soto

Here’s another one sent by Meilina K. of Indonesia! Soto I’ve had before has had a very nice lime flavor to it I very much enjoyed. Curious if this one will be the same. Let’s see!

The back of the packaging.

A piece of the noodle block.

Dry seasonings: base on the left and chili powder on the right.

Base with chili powder atop.

Seasoned oil.

Dark and a little murky!

Finished. Added a hard-boiled egg, some veggies, some roasted chicken, a little Ajishima Kimchi furikake, some kizami shoga (pickled ginger), some Melinda’s Garlic Habanero hot sauce and a pinch of Krazy Mixed Up Salt. Okay so the noodles were a little banged up during the voyage from Indonesia, but they’re still pretty good – Fluffy noodles. The broth has that nice salty and tasty lime taste that I’ve found in other Soto varieties. Good stuff! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 089686017717 .

<iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/NfYWdpbNEn8&#8243; frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>A Sarimi TV commercial

This looks amazing

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Indonesia, Other, Sarimi