Tag Archives: greg

#505: JML Artificial Spicy Beef Flavour Instant Noodle

Here’s another that Floridian Greg B. sent me a while back. Spicy beef, eh? Sounds good to me!

Clockwise from top – oil, seasoned powder and veggies.

Nice, rich colors abound in the form of tasty seasonings! (Almost sounded like something I read in an old 70’s BH&G book on modern entertaining…)

Added two nice fried eggs to the meal.  So the broth was nice and rich – greasy but not overly so. The noodles weren’t bad and hydrated well. The flavor was intensely strong. Quite salty and quite spicy – surprisingly so. Not too bad – 3.5 out of 5.0 stars!

How to make Chinese noodles at home!

The terror!




Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, China, JML (Jinmailang Food Co. Ltd.)