Tag Archives: hyoubanya

#452: Myojo Hyoubanya no Chukasoba Japanese Style Noodles Soy Sauce Flavor

Well lookie here! My wife and I were at H-Mart and she spied these on the lower shelf. We tried the ones in the blue packaging – the Oriental flavor – awhile back and those were quite delicious. Since these must be purchased in a five pack, I figured let’s give them a go – she should dig ’em!


Only one packet for this one. Very simple.

Darkish brown powdery soup base. I would have expected a liquid packet as it is soy sauce flavor, but let’s wait and see…

Two eggs were boiled with the noodles for three minutes. This was excellent. The noodles had a nice amount of chewiness and tension; they’re not cheap-o noodles that’s for sure. The broth was very good – a nice rich soy sauce flavor was there. The eggs finished the dish nicely. Very pleased with this one. My wife thoroughly enjoyed it too! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars for this one from Myojo.

A commercial for a different variety of Myojo noodles featuring Ultraman!

We rode this one at Disneyland for our honeymoon – Johnny Depp wasn’t with us which was okay.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Myojo, Other

#391: Myojo Hyoubanya no Chukasoba Japanese Style Noodles Oriental Flavor

So on our recent trip to the new Bellevue Uwajimaya, we got a 5-pack of this stuff. My lady Kit really enjoyed the Myojo Charmela stuff so I thought maybe this would be something she would like too.

One packet.  A sleek and awesome packet of Japanese-ness.

The powder of the packet in the bowl awaiting the noodles.

Wow that sure looks lovely! A couple of eggs and some baked chicken breast with salt and pepper. The soup was amazingly good – had nice fish flavor. The noodles were robust and had some good chewiness. Altogether, it was a fine dinner. 4.25 out of 5.0 stars.


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Japan, Myojo, Seafood

#286: Myojo Hyoubanya No Yakisoba Japanese Style Noodles Oriental Flavor

So here’s a nice box of Myojo yakisoba aching to be eaten.

Nice design – fill the water, let it sit, pull off the drain, pour out the water. Pretty easy.

Clockwise from top left: seasoned oil, dry seasoning, garnish and dried vegetables.

The dried vegetables are ample – but all they are is cabbage. Not that I’m really complaining as I’m a friend to cabbage.

So boiling water, sit and drained. Here are the noodles with the remaining packets awaiting a stir. The dark one is the garnish – dried bonito powder, red pickled ginger and green laver – ah, green laver…

So here is the finished product. The noodles are decent. The cabbage is ample for sure. The flavor is interesting – the oil and the powder are somewhat subdued by the garnish – which was really decent. I liked it a whole lot and am giving this one 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

So found another Myojo commercial – surprised they’re so far and few between with how popular they are.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Myojo, Other