Tag Archives: iccho

Re-Review: Nissin Demae Ramen 出前一丁 Artificial Chicken Flavor (Hong Kong)

My son Andy, my wife Kit and I walked to the local 99 Ranch Market on Friday. He decided he needed more kamaboko and wanted to pick out some ramen himself to try. Here’s one he picked (he likes all things chicken flavored) and will get to try today. He’s letting me have a bite and a slurp of broth for making it for him.

Here’s the back of the package. Note that it mentioned adding the soup base and seasoning oil although I found no seasoning oil packet. I thought I’d look at the original review I did way back – ne’ery an oil packet there either(click to enlarge).

The noodle block – good size and weight to it. This would one I would consider a hefty brick.

The seasoning powder.

The soup base in all its glory.

Andy is a big fan of this stuff – he even wanted veggies! Not bad. Read his blog, Andy’s LEGO Stuff, here!

Finished. Andy requested some of the frozen stir-fry veggies and some of the kamaboko. Decent noodles – a little thinner and firmer than Top Ramen. The broth is a little stronger too – I would call it a slightly less Americanized flavor. Good stuff – Andy loved it! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 4897878000036 – get it here.

Curry or shoyu? Curry – hands down! The Nissin Curry Demae Ramen is out of this world delicious.

This is a great one.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Hong Kong, Japan, Nissin

Our First Experience With Kamaboko & Narutomaki

I’ve seen many times mentions of Kamaboko and Naruto in ramen dishes and looked all over for them. This last Saturday we went to Uwajimaya and I found both! Hah! First, let’s check out Kamaboko. It’s surimi, which comes in many ways – for example, imitation crab is one form of surimi.

Here’s how it comes – on a little piece of wood! You slice it thinly and it can be eaten unheated since it’s steamed previously. It’s slightly rubbery and chewy – kind of like a cold-cut version of calamari. t has a very light flavor.

This is Naruto. There’s a popular anime character with the same name…

If you click on him, you’ll see a little spiral on his forehead…

Hey look – the same little spiral! So it’s like a log of fish that you slice thinly. It is a lot like the Kamaboko except not as chewy and has a more fishy flavor.

Today I had some noodles with my son. He had a bowl of Nissin Dmae Ramen – the sesame oil flavor.

He was very interested in trying the Naruto and Kamaboko! The fearless Andy didn’t question ‘what’ it was, but was very interested as it’s from Japan – he’s in a club at school called ‘Nakano Club’ – they’ll have visiting students soon from Nakano, Japan and so he’s interested in all things Japanese. He liked the Kamaboko a little more than me – was hoping for a bit more flavor, but it was nice. I liked the Naruto better than he did. It had a slightly fishier taste and was less chewy. He ate the whole bowl of noodles though with all the additions! Not bad!


Filed under Japan, Seafood

#617: Nissin Demae Iccho Sesame Oil Chicken Flavour Instant Macaroni In Soup

Here’s another from the bottom of the hamper! My sister Sue got this one for me on a trip to Canada earlier this year. Looks like this’ll be the last noodle to be reviewed in 2011! But these aren’t your ordinary looking noodles, are they? Instant macaroni! Let’s try it!

Here’s the back of the package… They cook really quick – only three minutes!

Two packets: the sesame oil and the chicken flavoring! Nice!

Here are the curly little buggers now. They’re delicate and thin.

There’s the seasoning powder and the sesame oil.

Finished. I dropped an egg in too. The macaroni is very very light and thin – probably needs to be that way to cook in only three minutes. The broth and all around flavor is salty, sesame and chicken. Good stuff. I like it – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars.

If anyone ever would like to donate some Nissin Chikin ramen, that would be most awesome; there would be a mega review and history lesson.

Starting with this one, this guy has posted the entire first 24 hours of MTV from 1981. Pretty trippy stuff.


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Hong Kong, Japan, Nissin

#497: Nissin Demae Iccho Instant Macaroni In Soup Seafood And Abalone Flavour

My sister brought these back for me from Canada a while back and I’ve been coveting them for a special occasion. I thought closing in on the 500th review would be a good time to break out the tippy macaroni! So here we go!

On the left we have a liquid packet and on the right some powdered seasoning.

Certainly looks just like regular macaroni doesn’t it? Seafood and abaolne sure aren’t flavors you’d expect to have with macaroni over here in the states! Maybe cheese or white cheese or a casserole or something. Predominately cheese for sure – but seafood? Awesome!

The sauce packet was what looked like oil and soy sauce. The powder was simply a powder base.

Here’s the finished, unadulterated product. The macaroni took only four minutes to cook and seemed like there was no way it would suck up 500cc of water, but it did! The flavor was very nice – not too salty, not too seafoody. A very tasty meal indeed, although kind of tough to keep on the fork – perhaps because of the oil? Anyways, I really liked this alot! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars!

Lucky Me! brand is a brand of Monde Nissin (Nissin Worldwide) and since I couldn’t find anything else, went with this commercial.

I can’t resist adding a short about BBSes… I ran one for quite a few years back in the late 80’s early 90’s…


Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Hong Kong, Japan, Nissin, Seafood

#384: Nissin Demae Iccho Instant Macaroni In Soup Tom Yam Goong Flavour

So I’ve been doing these slowly because they’re so cool! Another my sis brought back from Canada. Tom Yam eh? Should be interesting!

Two packets – seasoned stuff on the left and powder on the right.

Powder and paste!

The finished product. It was a trip! As an American, I’m used to one thing with macaroni. Cheese. Or some glue and sticking it to a board and presenting it as art. This stuff is great – it was a little spicy, a light bit seafoody and very citrussy! I found it to be quite good. 4.0 out of 5.0 stars!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Nissin, Seafood